51 Dreams of an ex-wife Dream Dictionary Interpret Now

Wife dream meaning ,Dream meanings ex wife-The dream of seeing the wife in the dream comes to all kinds of men. The man who is not married has dreams of marriage, and the man who is married has dreams about his wife. The man who loves his wife very much, and is afraid of losing his wife. He sees the death of his wife in his dream. Whereas men who are very eccentric type, most of them dream of betrayal or cheating by the wife. Friends, if you want to know about the dream to see the wife in the dream,

then you are on the right site. Because today we are going to talk about many types of seeing a wife in a dream. Like seeing wife in dream, death of wife in dream, cheating by wife in dream, running away of wife in dream, missing wife in dream, wife in dream, wife getting sick in dream, wife in dream quarrel with,

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Wife dream meaning, Dreaming of wife

Friends, when a married man sees his wife in a dream, then this dream is considered a good sign for that person, apart from this, if you see your wife with a bad non-man, it is not a good sign.

But friends, if an unmarried person sees his girlfriend running away with some other person in a dream, then this dream gives a good sign for him, this dream tells that he is going to tie the knot in the coming time, apart from this, this dream is like this. Even after telling the matter, the same friendship is going to happen with a woman.

Wife dream meaning, Dreaming of wife

If you are a married person and you see your own wife in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. If you already have love in your life, then more love will increase in the coming time. If your wife does not love you in real life, during the same time you see your wife falling in love with you, then it means that soon you will To be bound in an unbreakable love. Apart from this, if you are seen sleeping in the arms of your wife, then this dream is also considered a good sign for you, that in the coming time, you are going to increase a lot of sweetness in your wife’s speech and your love related to bed. is also going to increase.

Whenever you have a dream about someone, after breaking your sleep, you definitely remember him once, while your wife is with you, whenever you have an auspicious or inauspicious dream about your wife. You look at your wife. When you are satisfied that it is right. Then you fall asleep.

Apart from this, not every person’s wife is the same loving person, someone’s wife is of a quarrelsome nature, someone’s cheater, someone’s wife pretends to be false love, someone’s wife is in love with money, someone’s wife Wife is a true lover, friends, our Indian wife is mostly loving, yes, there used to be small resentment throughout the day. 

The wife keeps getting upset, the husband keeps on celebrating her, this is not considered a fight, this quarrel increases love, because only those people who are angry with us love us, who consider us as their right. And this is our Indian culture . Due to which there are very few divorces in our India. Because marriage is not considered a contract here. Marriage is considered together for seven births. Seeing wife in dream

Friends, good and bad dreams related to wife come to those who love their wife more, because they are afraid of losing their partner. And they have many types of dreams which are as follows-

Ex wife dream meaning

Friends, if your first wife has passed away. And you got married again After many days, if you see the first wife in your dream, then this dream is considered a good sign to remind you of something. This dream indicates that you have given up the old bad addiction.

You have caught those habits again. So friends, remember what bad habits your first wife had given you . You remember those habits. If you have given up bad habits again, then you should remember those bad habits and improve your habits.

Along with this, this dream also indicates breaking the promises made to his first wife. This dream tells that you are breaking the promises given to the first wife. You should remember those promises once so that you can avoid going on the wrong path.

Dream wife died in car accident

Dreams your wife and you are going somewhere. Suddenly a car hits your car due to which your vehicle gets damaged. And a fire breaks out inside the car, due to which your wife dies and her face also gets completely burnt. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time such bad work is going to happen with your hands. Because of which you are not but your family and your entire family will have to be ashamed because of this bad work. And you and your family will have to bear humiliation at places.

Seeing a wife sick in a dream

Friends, if your wife has been ill for a long time , during that time you see that your wife is in a very sick state, and she is seen sleeping on the bed in a sick state, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time your wife will get rid of that long illness. which she had been suffering from for a long time.

Along with this, this dream also indicates improvement in health. If you your wife does not have any kind of disease, your wife is absolutely healthy, at the same time you see in your dream that your wife is suffering from a very big disease. So this dream indicates you to get rid of the troubles going on in life, that any kind of problems you are going through in the present life will end soon.

Dreaming of two wife dream meaning

If you are having polygamy in the dream , during which you are getting married with two girls. So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream indicates that you are going to get double benefits in the coming days. Under which you will have to work twice as hard, and at the same time your positive responsibilities are also going to increase.

Apart from this, this dream also indicates that you are going to have a different identity in the coming days. Under which you will have a different importance in comparison to other people. And such an image of you is going to be created in the society, under which you will become a role model for the people .

Disgruntled wife in dream meaning

You see your wife dissatisfied in your dream. You see that your wife is dissatisfied with you and is giving you various taunts. At the same time he is sad, angry and angry with you. You try to talk to your wife. So she gets angry with you. There is a conflict situation between you.

So friends, it looks like a dream, the result of this dream is its opposite. That is, seeing a dissatisfied wife in a dream is considered a positive sign for us. This dream indicates this. You are going to get a big victory in the coming time. Those who envy you are going to lose and you will win.

 Seex in dream with your wife

Always the husband has to take the initiative for the work, the wife herself does not take the initiative for the work. You are a married man and you love your wife very much. You are seen working with my wife in my dreams. You see that along with loving your wife, you are fully involved in sexual intercourse, in which your wife also takes full part. 

So this dream shows the hidden love of your wife, that your wife loves you very much, but she does not know how to show it, she gets shy in telling you. Just as the desire to enjoy it is awakened in your mind, in the same way the desire to enjoy you is awakened in her mind, but she does not awaken this desire by walking herself.

Apart from this, if you are seen making love by embracing your wife, then this dream is considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates that a lot of love is going to increase between you and your wife in the coming time. If you are away from your wife for some reason, then this dream indicates that soon you are going to meet your wife .

Dream about kidnap your wife

Friends, when Ramchandra ji was spending fourteen years of exile, he dreams that some demon has taken away his wife Sita. Then the very next day Ramchandra ji’s wife Sita ji is abducted. Then in Ramchandar ji’s life, a mountain of troubles breaks, quarrels in his house, tension in the family and the state have increased. All this was known to Ramchandra ji. Many of his motives were hidden behind not stopping Sita’s abduction.

He had to fulfill all these objectives, and this was the law of law, which Ramchand ji did not want to change. If we had changed the law of law, what would have happened to Sugriva, what would have happened to Bali, what would have happened to Sabari, what would have happened to Vibhisan, what would have happened to Ravana, thus there were many characters whose hope was related to Ramchandra ji.

If you love your wife very much in real life. If you see in a dream that you are going to the market with your wife, and suddenly a car stops near you, your wife is forcibly taken away by four or five people, then this dream is not a good sign for you.

 This dream indicates that in the coming time your wife may get separated from you , along with this dream also gives the whims of the fact that there is going to be a fight in your family in the coming time, due to which your whole family A situation of tension may arise. In this way, seeing the abduction of a wife in a dream gives a completely inauspicious sign.

What is the sign of leaving wife

Friends, you see in the dream that you leave your wife for some reason, or you break your relationship with your wife, you only get away from your wife. If you leave your wife without giving a divorce, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you,

this dream indicates that in the coming time, sweetness is going to increase in the relationship between husband and wife. If your wife has been angry with you for a long time, then soon that resentment will end. And your relationship will become stronger than before.

Losing your wife in the dream

Friends, most of these dreams come to those people who love their wife very much, they always have the fear of losing their wife. Or friends, these types of dreams also come to a man who speaks less, because he feels that I am not able to keep my wife happy. Due to which even a person who speaks less has to face such dreams.

Friends, if you are a married man and you see your own wife moving away from you in your dream or you see your own wife getting separated, then this dream is not considered auspicious for that man, this dream indicates that That in the coming time you are going to get some serious disease.

If you are an unmarried man and you see your wife getting away from you in your dream, you have seen that your wife leaves you and goes far away from you, then this dream shows the loss filled in the upcoming life. This dream tells that in the coming life you are going to suffer financial, or physical damage.

Seeing wife’s dead body in dream

Friends, this dream is shocking to the name, you love your wife more than your life, you do not want to lose her in any condition, at the same time you see in your dream that your wife’s body is wrapped in white cloth in your courtyard. is lying between the batches. So friends, this dream is very scary for you. Two friends, after seeing this type of dream, bad thoughts start coming in us. 

So friends, this dream does not mean that your wife is going to die in the coming time. Yes, this dream is definitely an inauspicious sign for you, due to which you are going to suffer from many minor diseases in the coming time . But after some time this disease of yours will get cured automatically.

Dream wife wants divorce

Friends, there is no concept of divorce in Hindu religion, marriage in Hindu religion is considered together for seven births. We hear this here. The pair of husband and wife is sent by God from above. If it was in the control of a person, then he would have made a stick pair at all.

 But we see around us that there are many pairs which do not match at all. If the husband is tall then the wife is bony, if the wife is beautiful then the husband is ugly, if the wife is black then the wife is brown, if the husband has studied then the wife is illiterate. So in this way the couple creates only God.

Only on earth, man does the work of connecting them. Friends, even after being a mismatched couple, they spend their whole life with each other, they do not complain to anyone. Because they satisfy themselves with the fact that God makes a couple, so what God has given is a boon for us. That’s why they do not complain that I am beautiful, I do not have to live with this. Those who do not believe in God, and deny God’s created couple, and say that I am beautiful and she is ugly, I cannot live with it, they are 100% divorced.

Let’s talk about dreams, friends, divorce is not a good idea, let’s take the name of divorce, the idea of ​​breaking the relationship comes in our mind, not of connecting. If a man or a woman sees the dream of divorce, this dream is considered an inauspicious sign for both. If in a dream you say divorce, divorce, divorce to your wife thrice, then this dream indicates the deterioration of your husband-wife relationship.

Apart from this, if you forcibly divorce your wife against her wish in your dream, then your married life will become very difficult in the coming time. With this, both of you will be filled with troubles and a situation like divorce will arise in your life.

If an unmarried man sees this dream, then this dream is also considered an inauspicious sign for him. If so, it means that you will soon have a break-up. If you get this dream during the preparation of your marriage, then it means that soon your engagement is going to break.

Wife smiling in dream

Friends, in the dream you see your wife smiling with a dim smile. So this dream is considered an auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates this. That in the coming time your destiny is going to change. You are going to become rich in an instant. Suddenly something like this is going to happen in your hands, on the basis of which you will become rich overnight.

Wife disappear in dream meaning  

You see in your dream that your wife is standing in the corner of your room. And suddenly a gust of cold wind comes and makes your wife go round and round. And your wife suddenly disappears. So friends, this dream is considered a sign of some negative power.

 This dream indicates that there is some negative energy in your house. Which makes you happy to be successful. Or does such a soul reside in your depths. Who always wants to harm you. And despite your continuous hard work, your work gets spoiled.

So friends, when you get this type of dream, you should wake up every morning and take a bath. And after filling a pot , add a few drops of milk and offer it to the Shivling of Lord Shiva for seven consecutive Mondays. And chant the name Om. So that the effect of negative energies on you can be minimized.

Seeing wife’s infidelity in dream

Friends, those men who trust their wife more than themselves, those men do not have this dream. Mostly this dream comes to the able men who have doubts on their wife. Those men who do not trust their wife, these dreams come more. There are 80% of people in the world who have doubts on their wife, that their wife is doing something wrong behind their back, or my wife is cheating on me behind my back. So in that situation we have dreams of wife ‘s infidelity .

Friends, if you see your wife doing unfaithfulness in your dream, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you, this dream indicates that your married life is going to deteriorate in the coming life, or your future will be The season is about to end .

Apart from this, this dream serves to warn you that if in your family or in the relative whom you trust the most, try it a couple of times, or you spy on him in such a way that he does not even know. Let’s go Otherwise, it will not take long for your house to deteriorate.

Friends, you get similar dreams very often, then these dreams have no meaning, because these dreams come due to the ideologies running in your mind, you have been able to sell a lot, that’s why these dreams come to you a lot. .

Quarrel with wife in dream

Friends, you see in your dream that your water, which never used to talk to you in a loud voice, is today very angry and is telling you a lot of good and bad, she is getting so much angry, that she is angry with her. – Forgetting the limits. Along with abusing you, then this dream does not give a good sign, this dream indicates a loss for you, this dream indicates more disappointment in the future. That in the coming time, you are going to see financial, or physical disappointment .

If your wife is quarrelsome, she keeps on quarreling over the matter, during that time you see your wife fighting in your dream, then this dream gives a good sign for you that in the coming time there is going to be an atmosphere of peace in your family. . And the fights which were going on in your life will end completely in future.

Seeing wrong relations of wife in dream

Friends, this dream makes the man emotionally weak , in the dream you see that your wife is sleeping in his bed with a non-man. When you scold her in a dream, she starts scolding you, then this dream gives a very inauspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming life, the relationship between husband and wife will remain in name only. Your love life will be completely lost.

You see your wife celebrating with a non-man. If you see that your wife is very happy in the arms of a non-man, then it means that in the coming time your life is going to be like hell, due to which your married life will be completely ruined , gradually your life The bitterness will increase. And in the end the matter will reach to divorce.

Friends, if you are not married and you see your wife having a relationship with a non-man in your dream, then this dream is not considered a bad sign for you, this dream is considered auspicious for you. This dream tells that in the coming time you are going to get the pleasure of enjoying a woman.

Friends, in your dream, you see your wife with a non-man considering it as color rallies. So after this do not hurt your wife because the meaning of these dreams is symbolic. G does not give the same meaning to everyone.

Seeing the wife eating raw meat in the dream

This is a very scary dream. If in a dream you see your wife hunting an animal with her own hands and killing that animal at the same place and eating that animal with her fingernails and eating it with her own hands, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. Is . This dream indicates that in the coming time your wife is going to do some such work which is going to be related to blood. Along with this, this dream indicates that you may have to face family and work problems in the coming time. Due to which there is going to be a bloody war in your family in the coming days, the main reason for which will be your wife.

In a dream my wife killed and ate a cat

Sir, my name is Deepak Bhargava , and I live in Alwar district of Rajasthan, I have been married for four years. Murray has never had any dreams related to his wife. But when I was sleeping on my bed yesterday afternoon after finishing my work, I have a scary dream.

I saw in my dream that a black cat is roaming in our house, then my wife Nidhi tells me to remove this black cat from in front of my eyes. Otherwise I will eat this cat. I ignored that matter and I started giving water to the trees and plants in the garden of my house. After a while, there came the sound of the vessel falling inside. Then I come to my room Dodkar. Then I saw that my wife was tearing that cat with her nails. And taking out the mass from his body is eating it. Seeing this scene, I got very scared and shouted loudly and my dream is broken.

The very next day there is a big fight in our family regarding my wife. That my uncle’s boy grabbed my wife’s hand and behaved indecently with her, due to which three members of our family were beheaded and eight of my uncle’s family members were torn apart.

Gupta ji sir my dream turned out to be perfect, did not ask or tell anyone about this dream of mine. Because I don’t believe in these things. Then I saw its meaning in above site indream.xyz So the meaning of this dream was matching exactly with my incident. After this I asked the meaning of this dream from my uncle Gorakhnath Bhargava, my uncle also do astro work, and he told the same meaning of my dream which was written in indream.xyz site. Friends, this dream was shared by Deepak ji Bhargava ji and we have included this sane in this article.

Dreaming of myself as a wife

If you are a man and in a dream you see yourself as the wife of a person, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you, but this dream indicates that in the coming time you will have a sense of difficulty. Going to do . Due to which you may have to go through deep troubles. And you are going to have such experiences, because of which you have the demerits of winning in you, all of them will end.

Seeing the death of a wife in a dream

Friends, we worry too much about the one we love very much, and the fear of losing him leads to horror and nightmares. Friends, if we dream of someone’s death. If that person dies the very next day, it does not mean that the dream has become a reality, it will be considered as a coincidence. Because seeing someone’s death in a dream is not considered an inauspicious sign. To see someone’s death in a dream means that his health is going to be good in the coming time.

If your wife has been ill for many days, during that time you see the death of your wife in your dream, then this dream will be considered a very auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates the improvement in the health of your wife. That your sick wife is going to get well soon.

On the contrary, if you see the corpse of your wife in your dream, then this dream will be considered as a bad dream for you because this dream indicates the arrival of some disease.

Walking with wife in dream

If an unmarried man sees himself walking in a garden with his wife in a dream. So this dream gives auspicious signs for an unmarried man. It indicates that soon your wish is going to be fulfilled. If you are a young man, even after having everything, you are not getting engaged , during that time you see your wife in your dream, then this dream is a good sign for you. This dream tells that you will get married soon and you are going to get the bride of your choice.

If you are a married man. If you are seen walking in a park with your own wife in your dream, it means that in the coming time your wife’s love for you is going to grow. If your wife does not give importance to you, does not respect you, then this dream shows that soon your wife is going to give you a lot of love and respect.

Dreaming of wife in white dress

Friends, in our Hindu religion, a white married woman does not wear white clothes, when her husband dies and she becomes a widow. Then she wears white clothes. So friends, this is a scary dream. If the dreamer is a woman, then this dream is not considered a bad good sign for her, it means that some accident is going to happen to that woman’s husband in the coming time.

In your dream you see your wife in white dress. If you see that your wife is walking in your yard like a widow seeking insurance, without vermilion, bangles, then it seems very scary to dream. Because if you are a male, seeing the widow of the wife means that your death is coming because your wife is considered a widow only then. When you don’t live in this world.

But friends there is absolutely no need to panic because this dream does not give inauspicious signs for you. This dream only gives you a good sign. This dream tells that you are going to get a lot of money in the coming days .

Dream Hugging Wife in dream

There are many benefits of hugging, by hugging, there is hatred towards someone in our heart, it ends. Because by hugging, we connect with that person’s heart. If a person likes your heart, then you will not be able to do bad to that person even if you want.

Friends, whenever you are happy. So we narrate that happiness by hugging and hugging. If there is a sad person or to silence a crying person, we hug him. And try to make up for his pain. By hugging, we feel his pain , then we reduce his pain. All the pain and pain goes away by hugging. Every day when we return home in the evening and come, the wife hugs us, which gives a strange pleasure to our soul, and I hug my wife about ten times.

Friends, if you hug your loved one in your dream, then this dream is considered a good sign for you, this dream indicates that you are going to get a lot of love from your wife in the coming days. In the coming time, your work power is going to double . If an unmarried man sees this dream, then it means that soon he is going to get the pleasure of seex.

Wife crying in dream Islam

In the dream you see your life partner crying, you see that your wife is crying loudly, then this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream shows the inauspicious time to start that soon your life will be bad. Time is about to start. Due to which you are going to get failure despite your hard work.

If you see your wife crying aloud , then it means that your apparent misunderstanding is filled in the mind of your wife due to which you may have to pay a big price for it. So friends, after having such dreams, you should talk to your wife as much as possible and try to talk to her about your mind. So that you can know what is going on in your wife’s mind towards you.

If this dream comes to an unmarried man. So first of all he will think that man, what is this dream , what is the need for me to be afraid . Because I am not even married yet. And I don’t have any wife either. So let me tell friends, this dream is considered inauspicious for you too. This dream tells you that there are many presanias related to marriage in you. If you solve them in time, then it will be good for you. Otherwise, the marriage made by you may break.

Your wife runs away with someone else in the dream

In the dream you see that your wife meets another person after you have gone to work. And gradually their union turns into love, and in the end your wife leaves you with that person and goes to the garden. So this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream indicates that there is going to be a big change in your life in the coming time, due to which this change will make you far away from your wife and maybe your wife. Leave you and go

So friends, this type of dream also tries to warn you. That if you have a lot of stress due to your work. So in that case you should not ignore your wife. If you start ignoring her then she can fall in love with another person. And thus your family may be ruined.

Seeing wife with someone else in dream

Friends, you go to a hotel in a dream and there you see that your wife is a daughter with a non-man, and along with eating food with her, she is making loving promises. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days your wife is going to be removed from your hands. Your wife is not worthy of your trust, maybe your wife may have an affair with someone else. If your wife is doing evil to you with her new lover in your dream. So it means that soon there may be a big fight between husband and wife. Along with this, this dream also indicates the ruin of your career .

Catching wife with someone else in dream

Friends, the relationship between husband and wife is one of trust. If the trust ends in this leak, then nothing is left in this leak. Because this is the reason for this leak to be so strong and delicate. Most of the husband and wife relationship breaks due to misunderstanding.

If you see in your dream that you have doubts on your wife that my wife is related to a non-man, but whenever you do not have proof, you ask such questions every time. So you have to look down. In your dream, you see that as soon as you leave your house, your wife locks the house and goes to a non-man in the market.

When she is in bed with that non-man, you catch her red-hot. So this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream tells that in the coming time your wife is going to cheat you a lot . In appearance, you will feel that my wife is very nice. But she is more intelligent than you think. So friends, if you have this type of dream, then you should be very careful about your wife. And love him so much that he does not need to go to another man.

On the contrary, if you are unmarried and in your dream you catch your girlfriend red handed while celebrating with someone else. So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days you are going to get happiness related to girlfriend, and who does not have any boyfriend. He will get girlfriend . If this dream comes to you again and again, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you.

kiss in dream meaning

Friends, kissing is very important in the relationship of husband and wife. Kissing works to increase love. If you kiss your wife too much, your wife will love you that much. There is an old saying that the mind of husband and wife should meet, it is not necessary to get body. But this thing fits in other sources. But this does not fit between husband and wife. Because in today’s era, along with getting the mind, it is also necessary to get the body. The depth of love increases further by getting tanned.

The more you win, the more love you will get from your wife. And when the wife gets external touch, her attraction towards her husband increases. And when you touch the inner parts of your wife, the love inside your heart increases even more. When you kiss your wife, you touch her internal organs. Due to which your love increases even more.

Friends, in the dream you see your little children or siblings or your sons and daughters kissing on the neck, then this dream is considered a good sign for us, this dream tells that in the coming days your younger siblings will be with you. The love is going to increase. If you see kissing on the cheek of your wife in your dream. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days there is going to be bitterness in the relationship between husband and wife . It is possible that your relationship may break in the coming days.

On the contrary, you see in the dream that you are sitting on a bed with your wife. And suddenly your wife kisses you face to face, then this dream is considered an auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that a lot of love is going to increase between you and your wife in the coming days. If any of your friend is going angry for a long time, during that time you see your wife kissing lip-to-lip in your dream, then it means that in no time your old friendship will again turn into deep friendship. .

If you see a couple kissing a husband and wife in a dream, it means that in the coming days some new person is going to come in your life.

Abusing by wife dreams

If you are giving street to someone in your dream, then this dream is considered auspicious for you. This dream indicates that your stuck work is going to be done in the coming days. Apart from this, this dream also indicates success that soon success is going to kiss your feet.

Friends, on the contrary, if you see in your dream that your wife is giving you dirty streets, then this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream indicates that soon you may have to face slander .

Wife death dream meaning

Everyone loves his wife dearly, but what dreams are dreams, how can they come, you see in dreams. If your wife dies in your hands, and you are unable to do anything to save her, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days, some moments are going to come in your life which will be very difficult for you. Apart from this, this dream also indicates helplessness that in the coming time you are going to feel so helpless that you will not be able to do anything for yourself even if you want. You will have everything but you will not be able to solve your problems.

What happens in dream to meet wife

If you see meeting with your wife in your dream, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days you will have to bear the sorrow of separation from your wife. It means to say that your wife is going to be separated from you in the coming time.

Friends, if your wife is having a dispute with you for many days, and she is sitting on her side, is not coming to her in-laws’ house, someone has mixed poison in her mind. During that time, if you see the union of husband and wife in your dream, then this dream indicates this. That in the coming days all your wife’s confusions are going to go away. Due to which soon your wife will be in your house. And he will regret his bad behavior.

Seeing a friend’s wife in a dream

If you see a beautiful wife of your friend in your dream, then this dream is considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates that something positive and new is going to happen in your life in the coming times, which will be considered no less than a boon for you.

Apart from this, if you see your friend’s wife laughing with yourself , or if you see your friend’s cheerful wife, then this dream indicates to awaken your desire for work. That soon a tireless desire for sex is going to be awakened in you. So at this time you have to keep in mind that you have complete control over your mind, otherwise you may have to face bad situations .

Second wife dream meaning

Second marriage is a distant thing, friends, if an unknown sex stares at our wife, then we feel very bad. Anger starts in my mind. I want to break that person’s teeth. We will never want our wife to see our wife with a bad eye or talk about her.

Friends, if you see in your dream that your wife is getting married for the second time, and you make your wife proud with your hands in that marriage, then this dream is considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates an increase in wealth and a complete family. If your financial condition is going bad, during that time you see your wife’s second marriage in your dream, then it means that your financial condition will improve soon.

On the contrary, if your wife is getting second marriage in front of you and you are crying because of losing your wife, then this dream does not give auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that some such incident is going to happen to you in the coming time, due to which your heart is going to get a big shock.

Sleeping with wife in dream

If you are seen in a dream indulging in lust along with sleeping with your wife, then it means that the love of husband and wife is going to increase in the coming time . If you are sleeping with your wife in a dream and do not do any kind of lustful act, then this dream indicates that your work life is going to end in the coming time. You will find yourself unable to pacify your partner’s tripty . If you see your old female friend in your dream, that she is sleeping with you, then it means that you are lost in remembering your old days. You need to get out of those memories.

Smoking wife in dream meaning

Friends, you see in your dream that your wife is a smoker. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream indicates that your health is going to deteriorate in the coming time. If you see yourself smoking with your wife in your dream, then it means that soon you are going to get into such trouble. Which you have built yourself.

Dreaming of drunker wife

Drinking alcohol is counted as a bad habit in our society , the person who drinks alcohol is called Bevda or Bewadi. Which is a kind of abusive word. Those people who drink alcohol are seen in the society with a feeling of inferiority.

Friends, everyone wants that his wife should be beautiful, Sushil, Gunvati and there should be no bad addiction of any kind. If you get a drunken wife, your life becomes a world. No one wants his wife to be an alcoholic. Friends, alcohol is a bad thing.

But friends, seeing a drunken wife in a dream. Or if you see in the dream that your wife is badly immersed in alcohol. Your wife has a bad habit of drinking alcohol. So friends, there is absolutely no need to panic with this dream because this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time you are going to settle a deal which will be of more benefit to you than expected. If you do a job, then this dream indicates your progress.

Seeing bare wife in dream meaning

If you see your wife in a completely naked state, then this dream does not give a good sign for you. You see that your wife is standing on the terrace in a completely naked state. So this dream acts as a warning for you. This dream tells that in the coming time you are going to get caught in such work . for which you are not eligible. Or are you going to do such type of work which you do not like. Which will always lead you to loss. So it means to say that in the coming time you are going to do an unworthy work. Due to which you are going to suffer a great loss. seeing wife in dream

If you see someone else’s wife in a naked state, then this dream tells the right time to express your feelings. If you love a girl or a boy, you want to love her. But you are not getting the right opportunity. During this, you see someone else’s wife in a naked state in your dream. This dream means that this is the right time to express your love .

What is the fruit of scolding the wife in the dream

If in a dream you are reprimanding your wife loudly for some work, then this dream will be considered as an inauspicious sign for your wife. This dream tells that your wife is hurting you a lot in real life . So friends, this dream also does less of advice for you. This dream tells that you need to pay more attention to your wife, otherwise one day you may have to pay a big price for this small thing.

Watching wife strangulate in dreams

If you see yourself as a murderer in your dream, you see that you want to kill your wife by strangling her. So this dream acts as a warning for you, this dream indicates that in the coming time someone is going to betray you a lot .

If come and kill your wife by strangling her, it means that soon you are going to turn towards ruin . Your bad days are about to begin. Seeing wife in dream

Searching his wife dream meaning

You see that your wife is lost. You are looking for your wife all around in your dream. So this dream acts as an advice for you. This dream tells. That in the coming time, due to your angry behavior, there is going to be a big rift in your family relations. So friends, if you get this type of dream then you should keep your anger under control . Do not do any kind of work in anger.

Dreaming of husband and wife fighting

If you see a couple fighting with each other in your dream. You see that a man beats his wife badly with a stick. So this dream shows the fear of childhood. This dream tells that you start getting scared before doing any work in your life. You are not able to forget the incident that happened in your life. Because of which you get very nervous before starting a new career. So this dream serves to advise you that forgetting the incident in your childhood, start a new work in life. If the wife kills her husband in the dream, then this dream indicates the cruel behavior of Mahla. This dream tells that your behavior is getting worse continuously . You need to change your behavior .

Dream meaning wife giving birth

Guys your wife is not pregnant in real life . If you see your wife giving birth to a child in your dream, then this dream is considered both auspicious and inauspicious for you. It is a good sign that in the coming time all your goals are going to be fulfilled. Inauspicious in this dream is that you will have to work hard to fulfill your goal.

Bathing with wife in dream meaning

If in your dream you are seen taking bath with your own wife . So this dream indicates to open the doors of progress for you. Your progress was stalled for so long. She is about to start back now. If you are a businessman then this dream indicates a manifold increase in your business.

Dreaming of a minor wife

Child marriage is a crime in our India under the Hindu Marriage Act. But what dreams of dreams, they see a little what is legal and what is alien. Friends, doing child marriage in real life is not considered a good thing because more girls are at risk than child marriage. 

Because when a girl becomes a mother at a young age, then she does not have so much capacity to bear the pain. Due to which most of the girls die during delivery. To prevent these deaths, the government has fixed the age of the girl above 18 and the age of the boy at 21 years.

Talking about dreams, friends, if you see your marriage with a minor girl in a dream, then this dream is considered an auspicious sign for you. According to the dream scriptures, seeing a small bride or girl in a dream is considered an auspicious sign, according to this, a lot of happiness is going to come in your house in the coming days.

Saligal in dream meaning

If you are single and you see in your dream. It sounds terrifying to dream that you are married to a crazy girl. But this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days, you are going to get married in a family of big money. It doesn’t matter whether you have a big job or not.

Wife gone in comma in dream meaning

If your wife is pregnant in real life. And you see your wife inside some ICU room in your dream. And when you ask the doctor, the doctor says that your wife has gone into a coma. That is, he is like a living corpse. So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days your wife is going to give birth to a beautiful baby girl .

Unconscious Wife in dream

If your wife is already pregnant and you see in your dream that your wife is going somewhere with you. And suddenly your wife feels dizzy and your wife falls on the ground, then this dream acts as a warning for you. This dream indicates that your wife and child are in danger in the coming days. So after getting this type of dream, check your wife and make sure whether your wife and child are safe or not.

Apart from this, this dream also indicates an abortion, that if you do not pay attention to your wife, then your wife may have an abortion.

Wife pregnant dream meaning

Not every woman is called a perfect woman until she becomes a mother. A woman can bear everything. But if someone calls that woman infertile, then no woman can bear this taunt. Every woman’s dream is to become a mother and give birth to a beautiful baby. When a woman conceives, a newness comes in her body. Which is considered a positive result for that woman . Friends, getting pregnant is considered an auspicious sign. Seeing a wife in a dream

If in a dream you see your wife pregnant, then this dream is considered an inauspicious sign for that woman. This dream warns that in the coming time your fate is going to get upset with you. Your luck is about to leave you. Due to which you will have to go through a lot of hardships in life, but in the end the result will be positive.

Seeing chatter wife in dream meaning

Friends, you dream about the wife whom you love more than life. If you see that one day your wife escapes by latching in front of you and your children and taking all the ornaments of the house, then it is considered an auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that you are going to avoid a big crisis in the coming time. Trouble came upon you. After this dream, you are going to get rid of all kinds of problems related to your wife.

Friends, today we talked about the dream to see the wife in the dream. We have seen that seeing a wife in a dream gives an auspicious sign in a simple sense. Apart from this, there are many other dreams which are related to wife and they all have different meanings. Friends, today’s post, how did you like seeing your wife in your dream, you tell us to comment. If you liked our post to see wife in a dream, then share the link of this post with your friends so that your friends can also know the true meaning of their dream. If you have any kind of dream related to seeing wife in your dream, then you send us your dream by writing in the comment box.

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