Dreaming Of Giving Birth To Baby Girl

baby girl birth in dream meaning, baby girl birth dream– today we will know about the dream of giving birth to a daughter or giving birth to a girl in a dream or giving birth to a wood in a dream, most of these dreams come during pregnancy . During pregnancy, every woman has a longing to know whether she has a boy or a girl in her stomach . When a woman already has one or two girls , then she prepares for the third child, then during that time she dreams of the girl due to fear, because she is afraid that the girl will not be born again.Baby girl born dream meaning, Baby girl birth dream Islam

Such dreams come in the mind of those people who do not have any children in many years of marriage due to the desire to have children. Friends, let me tell you that nature does not discriminate between a boy or a girl. Discrimination is in our mind. Seeing a girl in a dream is not inauspicious, mostly it is auspicious. Just many dreams mean inauspicious. So friends analyze in detail the dreams of giving birth to a daughter or being a girl. Giving birth to a daughter in a dream-

Baby girl birth dream

In a simple sense, the birth of a daughter or a girl in a dream gives auspicious signs. If the dreaming woman is married, it means that soon there will be a positive change in her family towards her behavior , together with you kissing your daughter’s head with love, it indicates to get precious gifts in the coming days. This dream indicates to earn a name for the unmarried that soon you are going to do such a thing for which people will applaud in your honor. Dreaming of a dead girl indicates illness, fever and remorse.

Dreaming Of Giving Birth To Baby Girl

Baby girl born dream meaning by married woman

If you are a married woman , in your dream you see that you have given birth to a girl. So this dream indicates change in your family . That in the coming days, you will get to see positive changes in your family . If you get the news of the birth of a daughter from a nurse, then it means that many changes can be seen in your behavior in the coming days.

As soon as a daughter is born, you take her in your arms and start pampering her , then it means that soon you are going to get some precious gift from one of your relatives . Sapne mein ladki paida hona

If a married woman is a student and she sees herself giving birth to a baby girl in her dream , then this dream shows that soon some big guests are going to come to your house who will be nothing less than a boon for you.

Giving birth to a daughter in a hospital in a dream

In the dream, he sees his child giving birth in the hospital . You see that when you were about to have a child, you were taken to the hospital, and there you gave birth to a baby girl, then it shows a positive meaning . It shows that if you have any disease then that disease will be cured soon. If you are already healthy, it means that your health will be fine in the coming days.

Dream of giving birth to a beautiful baby girl

If you give birth to a beautiful baby girl in your dream, then this dream gives positive signs for you. This dream tells that in the coming time you will get to see positive and lovely results of your work. On the contrary, if in a dream you give birth to a dirty or ugly daughter, then this dream gives a negative sign for you. This dream tells that soon something is going to happen in your life due to which your popularity will decrease .

Dream of unmarried girl giving birth to baby girl

If you are an unmarried woman and see in your dream that you have given birth to a girl who is very ugly and scary to look at. Then this dream shows the sign of some bad news, illness, pain and humiliation . If you see that your baby girl is born before nine months . So it means that in the coming time you may be abused i.e. raped . Due to which you can get a lot of slander in the society.

What does it mean when you dream about having a baby girl with your boyfriend

You dream that you have given birth to a girl. and you are single and your own.  If the name of the lover is taken, then your lover refuses. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream tells that in the coming time your family members are going to leave you. This dream also indicates you to get married .

Dream of giving birth to a dead baby girl

You see in your dream that you were taken to the hospital for delivery. After delivery the doctor told that you have given birth to a dead boy. So this dream gives negative sign for you. This sana tells that in the coming time all the happiness will end from your life.

Apart from this, you are going to have mental pain, fever, illness and remorse   . If a girl is born in a dream and dies at the time, then this dream indicates that soon some new disease is going to take you under its control. Apart from this, these dream plans fail .Indicates the end of life and romance.

Dream of giving birth to a baby girl twins

If you see in a dream that you have given birth to twins and both are girls, then this dream does not give inauspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that soon you are going to get the expected benefits, the work you were doing wholeheartedly, you are going to get more results than expected.

Dream of giving birth by man

Friends, there is a law of nature in this world. That only women can give birth to children, no man can. But how can dreams have dreams? We have no control over our dreams. A visitor sent his dream to me by writing in the comment box, he told that Sir my name is Fabric, I do research on old things.

 One day when I came home from work. I was very tired, my eyes closed as soon as I slept. Then I get a dream which shakes me completely . I saw in my dream that I have a big stomach and then my stomach starts hurting, my family members got me admitted to the hospital and, after a while, when I came to my senses, the doctor congratulated me while giving a newborn girl in my hand. Gave . Congratulations Fabric sir you have given birth to a girl.

Then I choked that how can this be possible, because I am a man, and how can a man be born. This is unnatural. That’s when my eyes itch, then I find myself in my house. That’s when I start worrying about this dream, that’s when I searched my dream on the internet, then I could not find the meaning of my dream, then I searched on the Indian site sapnemein.com but I did not get my answer but seeing his comet I thought that maybe I might get the meaning of my dream. So sir tell me the meaning of my dream.

Ans   If you gave birth to a girl in your dream, then this dream does not give any inauspicious sign, this dream tells your gentle behavior that femininity qualities are going to enter in you in the coming days. In whose case you will also be able to give the same pampering to your child as a mother gives to her child. Apart from this, this dream also indicates that soon a respectable position is going to be created in your society.

If you are a man you see a woman giving birth to a daughter . So this dream indicates your luck waking up. This dream tells that soon such family members can be seen in your life. Due to which the financial condition of you and your family will improve up to ten times as compared to earlier.

labour pain dream meaning

Friends, there is a saying in our society that to say “infertile do know the pain of labor” means that if a woman gives birth to her child, then what pain she has to go through . Only a mother can feel this pain, not a man or an infertile woman. To give birth to a child, the mother has to keep her life on the palm , then she can give birth to a child . Sometimes the woman dies due to not being able to bear the pain of childbirth .

In the dream you see yourself in a hospital in a bed . You see that you are about to have a baby and you are screaming loudly in pain. So this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs for you. An inauspicious sign is that soon you will have to face many minor problems, due to which you will get into a lot of confusion, but friends, the good sign is that you will soon get rid of these problems together . And after all these troubles are over, you will get a new happy life .

Seeing own birth in dream meaning

Friends, this dream seems a bit funny . Because we know that there will hardly be any person in this world who remembers his birth. Because the child cannot remember where he was born. His thinking ability is zero. That is, before birth, there is no data feed in his mind, he does not know that this is a doctor, this is a mother, this is a father.

 All this data is fed later. Talking about dreams, friends, dreams can come, how can dreams come and we do not even have control over those dreams . But it is also that every dream definitely has some meaning. Because nothing in this world happens without reason .

If the dreamer is a married woman , then this dream indicates to her that she is going to become pregnant in the coming days . If an unmarried person sees this dream, then it means that soon she will get a precious gift from her friends . If a man sees himself taking birth in a dream, it means that soon he is going to get some new achievement .

Dream of giving birth to a baby girl while pregnant,

One of our slogans used to be ” Hum Do Hamare Do ” so a person wanted to have a boy and a girl. But still, population growth is not being controlled, so now a new slogan has come that we two, our one . Now the biggest confusion is whether it is a boy or a girl. Friends, there is such a tradition in our Indian society that only a son gives fire to the cheetah of the father, not the daughter.

So people believed that it is necessary to have at least one son. And nowadays every woman starts dreaming of a beautiful son as soon as she conceives, not a daughter. You can see the evidence of this dream through the video of youtube . Even if there is a small child left saying that there will be a boy, then he scolds him to say good and bad . Why are you speaking wood?

If you are a pregnant woman and you see in your dream that you have given birth to a beautiful girl, then this dream indicates that soon many responsibilities are going to increase in your life . But the good thing is that with the increase in responsibilities, the romance of husband and wife in your life will also increase up to four times .

Apart from this, this dream also indicates that you and your baby are going to have good health in the coming days and in the coming days your baby will be normal and there will be no operation of any kind.

You have been entangled in some unresolved problem for a long time, during that time you have a dream. And in the dream you see that you are busy with your work and someone comes to you and starts congratulating you on the birth of a daughter . So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream tells that soon all the troubles going on in your life will end at once. Apart from this, this dream also ends the money crunch going on in the family.

Dream about second baby girl birth in dream meaning

If you are an adult woman. And you are already the mother of a boy and sees you in dreams. If a girl is born to you as a second child, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that in the coming time there is going to be a new enthusiasm in the relationship with wife and lover, and more romance is going to increase in your life as compared to earlier.  

Born baby girl after full labor pain dream meaning

If you see in your dream that you are having a lot of pain at the time of delivery. Due to this you were taken to the hospital where you have given birth to a girl. So this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs for you. An inauspicious sign is that soon there will be a problem in your life and the good sign is that this problem will not last long. And this problem will soon turn into a success.

Death during child born in dream meaning

If you see in the dream that the woman dies during the delivery of a personal relative of yours. So this dream tells of a failure for you. This dream tells that soon you can get away from your relatives. Or it is considered inauspicious to see yourself dying during childbirth in a dream, it shows that some inauspicious event is going to happen to you soon .

Dream of unmarried girl giving birth to baby girl

Friends, in our society, if an unmarried girl gives birth to a child . So society will never accept it . Society will consider him a mess. And she will not get as much respect in the society as other women get. If an unmarried wood dreams of becoming a mother, then she will be very much afraid of this dream . So tell friends, it can be bad in real life.

But friends, according to the dream scripture, it is considered a dream giving auspicious signs. This dream shows that in the coming days you are going to participate in an artistic competition. And by winning the artistic competition , you are going to get a lot of applause from the public . Along with this, this dream also indicates that soon you are going to do something due to which you are going to become malevolent.

Dream of baby girl with blue eyes 

Whether you are a woman or a man , you see in a dream that a girl with blue eyes has been born to you. So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time you will get a great happiness , which you were deprived of in your childhood. If a girl with blue eyes calls your name as soon as she is born, then it means that soon such changes are going to happen in your life. That you will soon impress any girl or boy . In this way, millions of people will join you.

Dream of giving birth to a dead baby girl

In the dream you see that a daughter is born to you and her face is like yours, you see that she dies after some time, then this dream shows an inauspicious sign for you, this dream shows that soon you will Are about to fall prey to some incurable disease . If your baby girl seems to be dying , it means that soon something is going to happen in your life due to which you will have to hide your face because of shame .

Dream of mother death during giving birth

You see in your dream that your wife has given birth to a baby girl but your wife dies as soon as she gives birth to a girl . So this dream indicates that you will soon be punished for your bad deeds. what you did by mistake. If you are a woman and you die as soon as you give birth to your baby girl in your dream, then it means that in the coming days the love between you and your husband is going to increase.

Handicapped baby girl birth in dream meaning

If you are a married woman and you see in your dream that you have given birth to a girl. One who is very ill has many disorders in his body. He is completely handicapped. So after this dream your anxiety increases. And we are forced to think about bad thoughts about our future child .

We get drowned in worry about this. What will I do if my life is born like this? So you do not need at all about this dream because this dream does not give any inauspicious sign for you. This dream tells that you are going to conceive in the coming days . If this dream comes of a man , then it is also a good sign for him, for him this dream tells that soon you are going to progress.

If you are such a woman who already has many children and you have also got the operation done without having children. And during that time you see in the dream that you have given birth to a girl who is physically handicapped and sick . So it means that in the coming time your husband’s health-related problems are going to go away.

Dream of triple babies girl meaning in Islam

Friends, it is very rare to see such a scene in real life that a woman has given birth to three girls simultaneously. Yes, we can see giving birth to three children. If you have such a dream then you drown in the pit of worry. Oh God , what will happen to me now, how will I handle these three girls now? And how will I take care of three girls ? So friends, this dream is a good sign for you.gives . Whoever gets this dream is considered to be a lucky sister-in-law. Being born three girls promises success in all matters of your personal life and happiness in personal life. In general, this dream indicates that all your life’s unfulfilled wishes are about to be fulfilled. If three girls are born and start crying loudly together, then it means oh soon which is going to ruin all your hopes.

visitor comments …….

Friends, many comments of people had come to us. We are including these comments in the post. But now my spiritual master Bhagwandas ji is absorbed in samadhi for a month . After one month you will get the answer of all the comments.

Radha Mishra

My name is Radha, I have just got married from Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. I gave birth to a painless child in my dream, and when I start feeding my child, I come to know that it is a girl, so what does it mean?

iana electra

My name is Iyana, in my dream I saw that I have a big belly and I am standing in front of the mirror. And after some time without any pain I gave it to a girl and later the doctor discharged me, what is the meaning of this dream.

Alisha Khan

Rajeev ji sir my name is alisha i am married. I have two children a boy and a girl, in my dream I saw myself giving birth to a girl. I saw that the girl is beautiful but as soon as I saw her well, I was shocked. I saw that she was very weak in body, she looked like a skeleton, and her limbs were also deformed. I am very scared.

riya san

Sir I had a dream yesterday in which I saw that in my dream I gave birth to a baby girl. I already have two girls, so I ran away leaving that girl in the hospital.


In my dream I saw that I already have three girls and again I gave birth to the fourth girl in the hospital. All the family members said to leave this child here, but I brought that girl to my house. So what is the meaning of this dream? 

Rakesh Kumar

My name is Rakesh Kumar, I am from Hyderabad. Yesterday, Murray found a live newborn girl lying near the drain in a dream and I brought her home without the permission of the family, so what does this dream want to tell?


My name is Raina I saw in my dream that I give birth to a girl with blue eyes and I am single in real life. So what does this dream tell?

Sarita Yadav

Gupta ji sir my name is sarita yadav i am from bihar. I jammed a girl, birth was easy. I saw in my dream that my tree looked very small, it did not look like it. After the girl was born, its photo was sent to everyone.

Simran Kaur

I saw in my dream that I have given a drink to a girl and she is lying in the cradle, I take this child to my husband’s bed and lying beside him I say that this is your daughter.


I gave birth to my first girl in a dream and that girl was very ugly. When she told this news to her husband, she started crying, what is the meaning of this dream?

 Dr. Nitin Sharma

Yesterday afternoon, I was sleeping in the courtyard of the house, so I saw in my dream that my wife has got a rash. When I told this news to my family members, there was silence in the whole family and the whole family became sad. Whereas my family wants only girl.

Nita Kumari

Sir I am an unmarried girl, in my dream I saw that I have a big rectangular stomach and I give birth to four girls simultaneously. So what is the meaning of this dream?

Diksha Vyas

Gave birth to a child in the head who has all the twenty-two teeth at the time of birth, so what does this dream tell?

Geetanjali Chotala

My name is Geetanjali Phogte 17 years old, in my dream I saw that I have given birth to my friend Rishabh’s girl, while there is always a fight between me and Rishabh? Still I like her a lot, in real life we ​​are not married.

Jitendra Dayma

Namaste gupta ji sir my name is jitend daima i am from haryana sir i dreamed that i am waiting in front of hospital due to pain. When the companions talked to the hospital people, they denied that this hospital does not give birth to men. Then in a hurry, she gave birth to a beautiful girl in front of the hospital. How is it possible for a man to become a mother without changing gender. What is the meaning of this dream?

Medina Tughlaq

My name is Madina, I am a resident of Kanpur, in my dream I saw that as soon as I gave birth to a girl, then my Sohar starts hating me and leaves me alone in the hospital. Whereas my husband loves more than Jan. What does this dream mean ?


I saw in my dream that as soon as I got the news that my wife has given birth to a beautiful girl, then I buy clothes for my girl from the market for my girl.

Friends, today we talked about giving birth to a daughter or giving birth to a girl in a dream. We have seen that the dream of a daughter being born gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs. Today’s post, how did you like giving birth to a daughter or giving birth to a girl in a dream, tell us by commenting.

If you like our post to be born a girl in a dream, then send the link of this post to your friends so that they can also know the true meaning of their dream. If you have any dream related to giving birth to a daughter in a dream or giving birth to a girl in a dream, then you can write to us in the comment box.

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