Shani Dev dream meaning Hindusm, Statue

Shani Dev dream meaning, Shani Dev statue in dream-Friends, today we will know whether it is auspicious or auspicious to see Shani Dev in a dream . If you have a dream of Shani Dev Maharaj, then you become very much afraid. Because there is a thought-current in our mind that Shani Dev is angry and merciless .

 He never forgives the criminals, he definitely punishes them. So we get nervous about whether my hands have unknowingly committed any crime, or are we afraid that Shani Dev Maharaj is not angry with me.

If you see Shani Dev in your dream, then you do not have to fear much . Because Shani Dev does not harm any of his devotees. If a crime has been committed inadvertently from your hands. So Shani Dev comes in your dream and warns you to rectify that crime and come on the right path, if you manage at the right time then Shani Dev will forgive your crimes.

If you have a dream and if you ignore that dream, then you will definitely get its punishment. Before punishing every crime, Shani Dev definitely gives you a chance to recover. So friends, let’s go in detail about seeing Shani Dev in the dream.

Shani dev dream meaning

Shani Dev is such a God that every person in the world is afraid that Shani Dev should not get angry with me. Friends, seeing Shani Dev in a dream gives many auspicious and inauspicious results . This fruit depends on the dream and on you, in what form Shani Dev is visible to you in the dream. Or what is the condition of the dreamer.

Shani Dev dream meaning Hindusm, Statue

If a person is in trouble . There doesn’t seem to be any way to get him out of trouble. Or if he is in the condition of half -century , during that time you get the vision of Shani Dev in your dream. So this dream will be considered as an auspicious sign for you. If you see yourself worshiping idols, or pouring oil on Shani Sheela, then this dream will be considered auspicious for you.

Going to Shani dev temple in dream

Friends cannot establish Shani Dev’s temple at home, so whenever you get a chance, you must definitely visit Shani Dev Maharaj. When you are constantly going to the temple of Shani Dev , and due to some work on a Saturday, you are not able to go to the temple. So you have a dream.

Which you are seen going to the temple  of Shani Dev . So this dream has no special meaning. Because this dream is a part of your memory. You never or never go to Shani Dev Temple. Then if you see Shani Dev’s temple in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you.

these dreams inspires you to go to temple. That if you see Shani Dev, then all the depression you have in your life will end. After this dream you will get a great happiness . If you are caught in a big problem and you can’t see any way to get out of it.

 During that time, if you see yourself going to Shani Dev Maharaj ‘s temple in a dream, then consider this dream as the sky voice of Shani Dev, this dream calls you to come to the temple . That you come under the shelter of Shani Dev. Your luck will shine and you will get rid of all the troubles and troubles together . Shani Dev dream meaning, Shani Dev statue in dream.

Main Shani dev temple in India

Shani Shingnapur This Shani Dham is located in Maharashtra, Shani Shingnapur is said to be the birth place of Shani Dev.

Shani Temple is located in Indore Ye Juni, it is believed that Lord Shani Dev himself had visited this place.

Shanichara Dham Morena It is located at Enti near Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh, it is considered to be the oldest temple of Treta Yuga. It is believed that this idol of Shani Dev is made of meteorite.

Shani Mandir Pratapgarh In this temple, 56 types of dishes are enjoyed on every Saturday.

Shani Tirth Kshetra Asola  It is located in Mehrauli near Delhi. Here is the world’s largest Ashtadhatu idol of Shani Dev.

Shani Temple of Tirunallar This temple is one of the Navagraha temples of Tamil Nadu.

Shani Dev riding on crow in dream

If you see in the dream that Shani Dev is riding on a big crow, then according to the dream scriptures it is considered an inauspicious dream. If a happy person sees this dream. So it means that soon all his happiness may be taken away .

After this dream, you should do recitation of Shani Dev so that your happiness can remain intact. Apart from this, if you see Shani Dev sitting on a crow and flying , it means that you may have to face humiliation in a few days.

If you see in a dream that Shani Dev is sitting on a crow and that crow is eating grains, then this dream indicates to remove your financial constraints, this dream tells that soon your financial condition is going to improve. You should never give up your devotion to Shani Dev.

Seeing Shani Shila in dream

Friends, the way Shivling is made of round stone and it is considered a symbol of worship of Shiva. In the same way, Shani Shila is a square black stone shilpatti whose one corner is broken. Friends, you see a black stone in your dream.

That is the respect of a craftsman . So it means that you have seen Shani Shila. So it means that soon you are going to be free from all the troubles. If you see yourself offering oil on Shani Shila. So it means that soon a little life is going to come in your house.

According to legend, once there was a very strong flood in Shignapur . And everything was washed away in that flood. Then a man living there saw a precious rock, so that man tried to break the stone. As soon as he broke a little corner, blood started pouring out of that stone.

 Then the man went home to the village and called the villagers and brought them, many villagers tried to lift that black stone. But all the villagers could not even lift that Sheela.

Then a voice came from inside the stone that why are you getting upset in vain, you will not be able to lift this stone. Because I am Shani Dev. Then Shani Dev chose two human uncles and nephews from the villagers. Said that you should set my stone.

Mama Bhanjain choked and started saying, how will this rock rise from us . All the villagers have worked together to raise this rock. Then Shani Dev said that you try.

 Then after picking up Shani Sheela, uncle and nephew walk towards a house, then Shani Dev said that you should install it in an open field only. Not within four walls. Then this rock was established in the open field. She got a little skewed.

But then she could not move. Later all the villagers and uncles and nephews offered oil. That’s why friends Shani Shila was always under the open sky and not under any temple or roof.

Dream about of Shani Dev amulet

Friends, if you are affected by evil forces, you have got your treatment done by many people who have been blown away but did not get cured. Or if you are very scared at night, during that time you see Shani Dev’s amulet in your dream, then it means that soon you will stop fearing at night. And the wish that you have kept in your mind, it will soon be fulfilled.

If you have put Shani Dev Maharaj’s amulet around your neck in your dream, it means that some accident is going to happen to you in the coming time but you will not suffer any loss in that accident.

Shani dev riding on elephant in dream

Your financial condition is going very bad, during that time if you see Shani Dev sitting on an elephant in your dream, then this dream indicates the arrival of Lakshmi to you. It means to say that soon your poverty will be eradicated and your financial condition will improve manifold as compared to earlier.

If you are having Shani dasha . During that time, if you have this dream, then this dream is considered to be waking up your fortune, this dream tells that the effect of your Shani dasha is decreasing, soon you will be such a person who will not lack anything.

Visiting of shani dev in dream

If you are worried a lot in life. You do not see any hope of living, during that time you see in dreams. Shani Dev, the god of justice, gives darshan. You talk to Shani Dev. For the darshan of Shani Dev, his mother gets a voice.

Just then he disappears. So it means that Lord Shani Dev is trying to remind you that whatever you wished for has been fulfilled. Now you have forgotten me. So this dream indicates to start your devotion to Shani Dev.

Worshipping shani dev in dream

Friends, many people consider Shani Dev and Gurgaon Mata to be harsh punishments, but friends, both of them punish the criminals . Gives full support to good and naive people. If you see in your dream that you are worshiping Shani ji Maharaj, offering water to his idol and praying to him.

So this dream gives good sign for you. This dream tells that in the coming time your business is going to increase manifold. If you see Shani Dev in your dream helping the devotees in the temple, then it means that soon you will have many friends and enemies will be destroyed.

If you see the idol of Shani Dev in your house in your dream. All of you are doing recitation of Shani Dev Maharaj in front of the idol of Shani Dev . So it means that there is going to be some trouble on your family . So friends, when such a dream comes, you should start worshiping Shani Dev immediately . Because this dream also indicates to remind you that you are doing something wrong in your life.

If you already go to Shani Dev’s temple everyday. And during that time if you see yourself worshiping Shani ji in your dream, it means that Shani Dev is happy with you.

Shani dev god riding on vulture

According to astrology, it has been told that if a person sees Shani ji Maharaj riding on a vulture on Saturday . So this dream shows some great inadequacy. This dream shows that soon you are going to get some condolence message . If you see yourself sitting on a vulture with Shani Dev, then this dream tells that soon you are going to know about time.

Chanting Shani Mantra in dream

You see yourself with your family in Shani Mandir. If you see that you are reciting Shani Mantra loudly with Pandit, then this dream indicates the fulfillment of desire. This dream tells that soon your fortune will wake up, due to which you are going to get the job, money, success, happiness, and respect you want. If you see yourself reciting Shani Mantra while passing through the road, then it means that in the coming days you are going to narrowly avoid any major accident.

If your life is full of troubles then you should go to Shani Dev Maharaj, the friend of the afflicted and go to the temple everyday or chant Shani Mantra 108 times in the morning.

Om Shanishcharaya Namah:

And you should offer sesame oil to Shani Dev Maharaj every Saturday, and distribute the Prasad offered in his temple to the bikharis sitting in front of the temple, so that your troubles will start to go away.

Shani dev idol in dreams

If you see the idol of Shani Dev in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you, this dream indicates that soon you are  going to enter a new house  . Or you  can buy a new flat or a piece of land  . So friends, when such a dream comes, you should go to Shani Dev’s temple to thank Shani Dev and offer oil on his idol. So that it does not take much time for your wish to be fulfilled.

Friends, if you see a broken idol of Shani Dev in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you, this dream indicates the beginning of Sadesati and financial loss. If you bring a broken idol to your home in a dream. So this dream tells that soon you may lose your family members.

Do you know that the idol of Shani Dev is not kept in the house?

According to the scriptures, keeping the idol of Shanidev in the house is considered taboo. It is believed that Shani Dev has been cursed that the house where you will live or the house where you will have your idol will be evil. That is why you do not get to see the idol of Shani Dev in any house.

If you go to the temple to see Shani Dev, then you only see the feet of Shani Dev , not his eyes. Because looking into their eyes will have a bad effect on your life. You go to the temple and worship without looking into their eyes. And you can meditate on Shani Dev in your home also. Shani Dev becomes happy just by doing this.

Hearing the story of Shani Dev in a dream

Friends, fasting of Shani Dev in real life and listening to the story is very auspicious. But if you see doing the same thing in a dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. It tells you that those bad days you have forgotten are going to come again in your life. So friends, after such a dream, you should start fasting on Shani Dev’s Saturday.

Shani Dev riding on peacock in dream meaning

Friends, if many problems are going on simultaneously in your life. Whatever work you start, you will get failure in everything. That you are surrounded by troubles from all around. You test your hand to some astrologer and you come to know that you are engaged in Sade Sati . During that time if you see Shanidev riding a peacock in your dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you.

This dream tells that soon there will be a lot of reduction in your sufferings. And there will be good effect on your life. If you see yourself riding a peacock with Shani Dev in your dream , it means that soon you are going to get the biggest happiness of your life.

Offering oil to Shani Dev in a dream

You are not a Shani devotee in real life and in dreams you see that you are offering oil on the Sheela of Shani Dev with your own hands. So this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you, according to astrology, this dream tells that you are going to be promoted in the coming times. And at the same time your Yes is also going to spread rapidly.

If you are giving oil to Shani Dev in your dream, then it means that soon some big disease is going to catch you. Friends, many times the question comes in our mind that why oil is offered to Shani Dev . According to Ramayana, when Hanuman ji also had the condition of Shanisar, then Shani Dev attacked Hanuman , only then Hanuman ji injured Shani Dev by hitting the mountains, then Shani Dev apologized to Hanuman ji.

After this, Hanuman ji took pity and offered sesame oil to Shani Dev so that his pain could be reduced. That is why even today we offer oil to please Shani Dev. Friends, we should offer sesame oil to Shani Dev so that we can make Shani Dev more happy.

Shani dev riding on buffalo

If Shani Dev comes in your dream riding a black buffalo, then understand that this is a warning to you. That in the coming time some big accident is going to happen to you. So friends, after this dream, after taking a bath in the morning, go to the temple of Shani Dev and offer sesame oil on his Sheela , and ask him for forgiveness of any unknown crime.

On the contrary, if you see a huge black buffalo of Shani Dev in your dream, and not Shani Dev, then this dream tells that soon an accident may happen to any of your family members.

Dream about shani grah

If any court proceedings have been going on against you for a long time. Or you have been making rounds of the courts for a long time. During that time, if you see Saturn in the sky in your dream, then it means that soon you will get justice .

If you are honest, then in the coming days the decision will come in your favor. That is why Shani Dev is associated with justice. Because Shani Dev is called the god of justice . He will not allow injustice to happen to anyone.

Shani dev idol in dreams in damage conduction

Well friends, no person keeps a broken idol at his house, even if it is of any deity. Keeping a broken idol in the house is considered auspicious. Whenever an idol is broken by our hands, we leave that idol under a peepal tree.

Friends, if you see a broken idol of Shani Dev in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you, this dream indicates the beginning of Sadesati and financial loss . If you bring a broken idol to your home in a dream. So this dream tells that soon you may lose your family members.

Shani dev temple in dream

If you see yourself going to Shani Dev Maharaj’s temple in your dream, then you should consider yourself lucky . Because seeing Shani Dev’s temple in a dream is a good sign. This dream indicates that soon the grace of Shani Dev Maharaj is going to shower upon you. Due to which all the negative energies in your life will be eliminated and only positive energy will work in your mind. Which will take you to the highest peak of development .

Shani Dev riding on donkey in dream meaning

You are living your life happily. During that time in the dream you see Lord Shani Dev ji riding a donkey. You see that Shani Maharaj, carrying weapons and weapons, is coming towards you riding a donkey by air . So this dream does not give good sign for you.

 This dream tells that soon your troubles are going to increase up to four times. After this dream, you should start reciting and worshiping Shani Dev.

Buying Shani Dev book in dream meaning

A visitor narrated his dream to me – Sir my name is Jatin Shukla. Yesterday when I was working in my farm. Then I started feeling tired, then I was lying in the field. I slept on four pies, that’s when I get a dream. I am a small child and I went to the fair with my parents, I bought many toys at the fair. And my mother bought a book of stories of Shani Dev. So what is the meaning of this dream?

Ans . If your mother has bought a book of stories related to Shani Dev in your dream, it means that soon you will see a positive improvement in your behavior. After this dream your anger will be completely calm /

Dream about Shani Dev movies

In dreams we see that our whole family is watching Shani Dev’s movie together inside a black and white TV. So it means that soon you are going to get your lost partner. Apart from this, this dream indicates the arrival of a beneficiary friend’s house.

Friends, today we talked about the dream of seeing Shani Dev in a dream. Whether seeing Shani Dev in a dream is auspicious or inauspicious. We have seen that most of the dreams of Shani Dev give auspicious signs, many dreams give inauspicious signs like seeing a broken idol in a dream, riding on a black buffalo, etc. Friends, today’s post, how did you like to see Shani Dev in your dream, if you liked this post, then send the gender of this post to your friends so that your friends can also know the true meaning of their dream.

If you have any dream related to seeing Shani Dev in your dream and you do not get your dream in this post, then you send your dream by writing it in the comment box. We will answer you soon after talking to our Guruji about that dream.

What does it mean to kill a crow in a dream?

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