What does it mean to kill a crow in a dream? Seeing a dead crow

Hello friends welcome to our blog. Today we are going to know what it is like to kill a crow in a dream or what it is like to see a dead crow in a dream. Friends, according to Hindu religion, killing any living being is prohibited. People who believe in Hinduism have always been in favor of nature. That’s why the people of Hindu religion have considered the natural river, sea, earth, sky and even the creatures living on the ground to be worshipable. Even the crow has been considered as its worshipable. Friends, many people consider crows as inauspicious, but there are many dreams related to crows which have auspicious meaning.

Friends, killing crows is never auspicious. Because we see crows as our ancestors. That’s why we can’t even think of killing crows, let alone killing them. But friends, dreams are dreams. It can be seen in some way, the meaning of dream science is completely different from that of Sakon Shastra. According to Sakan Shastra, killing crows is considered an insult to ancestors. Whereas according to the dream book, it gives auspicious sign. Let’s friends try to know each and every dream in detail-

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Killing crow in dreams meaning Hinduism

If you are seen killing crows in a dream, then it may seem inauspicious to dream, but this dream gives a good sign for you. This dream indicates that you are going to get a big achievement or a big success in the coming days. Your enemies will accept defeat from you very soon. After this dream, the fire of revenge burning in the chest of your enemies will cool down. There will be a big change in his mental thoughts. The wrong habits which you want to leave since years, after this dream, that habit will be left automatically. So this dream indicates improvement in us.

What does it mean to kill a crow in a dream? Seeing a dead crow

Seeing crows fighting with each other in dreams

If you see many crows fighting together in your dream, then this dream gives an inauspicious sign for you. This dream tells that soon a big accident may happen to you, due to which you will suffer loss of life and property. After this dream, if you are able to control your anger, then you can avoid big losses.

 If you are a married person, then you may have a dispute with your partner in the coming days. Before accepting someone’s words, you must check their veracity. If you believe other’s words without seeing your eyes, then your house will be ruined in future.

Seeing crows being killed in dreams

If you see in a dream that you are beating a crow, then it means that there is a good sign for you, this dream  indicates  that you will get a happy grave in a short time and you will get a happy grave from your home. Evil forces are about to be destroyed and positive energy is about to enter. thus this dream  is lucky for you, It is believed that  this dream will rid you of bad luck.

Seeind dead crow in dream Hinduism

If you are having a bad day and you dream that you are going to a village and on the way you see a black crow lying dead under a big Peepal tree, then this dream is for you. This dream is considered a   symbol of happiness, this dream indicates that you will spend your coming days happily, no problem, you will spend your days in sorrow, the days ahead are going to be spent happily, there will be a lot of happiness in your home and bad days will come. The end and good days are about to come. You will start getting the fruits of this dream within ten days.

Catching a  crow in a dream

Friends, you dream that you are chasing a crow to catch a dangerous black crow, and while chasing this crow, you go far away and with great effort, you hold that black crow tight in your hands. If you take then it means that your opponent is just a little ahead of you and you just need to try a little more.

By trying in this way, you can defeat your  compitater  and you can defeat that opponent. This dream can also be considered as a sign of having a passion inside you, it indicates the  awakening of your inner strength.

Seeing crow during shraddha paksha in dream

If you see a crow in the Dhraad Paksha in your dream, it means that your ancestors are very happy with you. Ancestors keep you in their memories and try to remind you that you should not forget them. On the days of Shraad Paksha, everyone should keep a vessel full of water on the roof of their house or in the courtyard of the house, so that for fifteen days your Water could reach the Pitrs through the crows.

You can see Kuyva in any form in these Dinon. This will be good for you. According to mythology, on the day of Shraddha Paksha, after remembering your ancestors, you should offer kheer or milk and bread to the Akyuvas for 15 days.

 If possible, go to the roof and call out to the crows. It is believed that during these 15 days our ancestors definitely come inside in the form of Kauravas. That’s why we should leave no stone unturned in service to satisfy them. In these sixteen days, if you find a feather of a crow on the roof, it means that very good things are going to happen to you in the future. There will never be any shortage of money power in your home. Means the ancestors are happy with your service.

According to the legend, Lord Shri Ramchandra ji has given a boon to the crow that the house you will go to and the person who will offer food to you, that food will be given to his ancestors. And his soul will find peace. Since then we see crows as our ancestors and serve them. When Shri Ramchandra ji was living in the forest with Mother Sita and Lakshmanji, then in those days Jayant, the son of Indra Devta took the form of a crow and went to Lord Rama, he saw that he was happy with Mother Sita and he forgot his problems He started thinking that Lord Ram was born only for us. Seeing him with his family, he started getting angry.

He felt that he is very happy and when will he end the demons. Thinking of this, getting angry, he went to mother Sita and hit her leg with his beak, due to which her leg started bleeding. So Lord Rama burst his eyes by hitting a straw. Then he felt sorry for his mistake and then apologized to Lord Shri Ram, then Lord Ram had given him a boon. People will remember the ancestors in the form of crows.

What does a crow sitting on the roof mean in a dream?

If you saw a crow on the roof of the house in your dream, then this dream indicates to you that in the present time you have gone away from their soul. You have almost forgotten them. So after this dream you should remember your ancestors along with your work so that they continue to get real happiness and blessings of your ancestors remain on you.

If a situation like conflict persists in your home. Small children are not obeying elders, so after this dream, you should make them recite Bhagwan Sherir Ram. So that positive energy can reside in your home.

Seeing a crow in a dream indicates the following –

1. Signs of getting a good advisor

Friends, we know that crow cannot talk in human language, but this is the world of dreams, you can see any kind of dream. If you dream that you are talking with a crow in a human voice, then this dream gives a good sign for you. This dream gives you an indication that in the coming days a person will come in your life who will give you advice.

 Instead of looking at the physical structure of that person, pay attention to his words. Otherwise, you will have a lot of regrets in the days to come. Friends, crow is more intelligent than cuckoo. We do not accept him because of the crow’s voice. The crow does the work of giving us advice. After this dream, you should analyze the words of that person. You will find so much depth in his words. That you can become a great person on the basis of one thing of that person.

Once upon a time, Garuda Dev was proud of himself. Because once Garuda saved Lord Shri Ram and Lakshman ji from Nag Pass. That’s why Garuda understood that I have protected God even after being an eagle, so I am the biggest devotee of God.

When Garuda ji told this to Hanuman ji in the form of pride, then Hanuman ji sent Garuda to Lord Shankar. Then Shankar ji sent Garuda to Kakbhushudiji. When Kakbhushud ji heard the whole story, who first revealed the knowledge about the incarnations of Lord Rama, whom Bhaga Shiv Shankar also considered as a devotee of Rama. And Kakbhushudi ji had the boon of death at will and he was the ultimate Rama devotee.

2. Sign of grace of Shri Ramchandra ji

Friends, there are many people who insult crows. Because they do not know which bird is the crow. Kaura was a devotee of Ram, in his childhood crows snatched food from the hands of Lord Ram many times. Thus the love of Shri Ram and Kausya is immense. The crow was a great Ram devotee. The greatest of the crows was Kakbhushundi, who used to listen to Garuda ji’s story of Ramayana. Kakbhushundi had the boon of euthanasia.

Friends, if you see a crow in your dream and the crow has pressed a cloth in its beak, then this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that the blessings of Lord Shri Ram Chandra ji are going to shower on you in the coming days. This dream works to advise you that if you sow instead of job, you will be more successful.

3. Sign of untimely death and accident

Friends, if you are from a farmer’s family, then you must have seen this scene that a crow is sitting on the back of a buffalo. Just as many bad sayings have been made on crows, in the same way many bad sayings have been made on buffalo too. Everyone loves cow but not buffalo. By the way, Bhaas is a calm animal.

No matter which bird sits on top of it, it does not try to make it fly away. Bhas does not attack you by walking, she attacks only for self-defense. Sorry guys were talking about dreams and started talking about other topic. If you see in a dream that a black crow is sitting on a buffalo, then this dream is not considered a good sign for you, this dream indicates your death.

This dream tells that some untimely incident or accident may happen to you in the coming days. You should be careful and alert after this dream. If you have this type of dream, then do devotion to Lord Shri Ram and Bholeshankar. Along with this, if you stop chanting Mahamrityujaya, then the problem that comes on your head will be fried. Friends, crow and buffalo are dear to Yamraj. If you take the name of God after this dream then you will be saved from death.

4. Signs of suffering

Friends, if you see in a dream that a black crow is pecking at you and you are not saying anything to it, then friends, this dream indicates to you that in the coming days you will have to suffer a lot because of your principledness. This dream allows you to lie for the good of someone and to protect yourself. The people in front of whom you preach the truth. In front of whom the good remains.

He himself is a hypocrite, so preaching goodness in front of him will do nothing. Friends, do you know that the crow is the voice of Lord Shani Dev and Shani Dev is called the god of new. The one who violates the rules of Shani Dev will get 100 percent punishment. The person who is dhrut. They tell lies on every matter, they will definitely be punished. After this dream, you have to keep in mind that you lie at least.

A lie told for good does not become a lie – Rishi Vachan

A sage lived in a village. That sage used to preach to the whole village. This Mahatma had so much influence on the villagers that no one in the village used to lie. Once Rishi Muni was giving orders to the villagers. That’s why someone informed that Gurudev, quickly hide the people of the village, dacoits are about to come.

All the villagers hid in a crow. When the dacoits asked Mahatma ji the way to the village, Mahatma sent them on the wrong path. After the dacoit left, the villagers asked Mahatma ji that you preach everyone to speak the truth and you yourself lie. So Mahatma ji explained to the villagers that if I had spoken the truth in this situation, your lives could have been lost. A lie told for the good of the people is not called a lie.

5. Sign of getting good price of property

Perhaps there would be a person who would not have seen crows digging the ground. The crow is very clever. Along with this, the memory of crows is also good. You must have seen many times that when the crow’s stomach is full. Even then, if the food is left, he buries that food in a safe place, so that it can be used in times of scarcity.

Let’s talk about dreams, if you dream that a crow is digging the ground with its beak, then this dream gives a very good sign for you. This dream indicates the proper use of money. The money that you have at the present time, you can invest that money in the market or buy some land for that money. So that you can get a good price for it in the coming days. So friends, you should be happy with this dream. Because this dream is not less than a boon for you.

6. Signs of Vardhi in age

Friends, the question is coming in your mind that who keeps the crow. People keep dogs, cats, cows, rabbits, parrots and pigeons which add to the beauty of the house. But friends, this is the world of dreams. You can see some kind of dream in this. If you see in your dream that you have kept a crow as a pet bird in your house, then this dream gives a good sign for you.

This dream tells that the age of your child is going to increase in the coming days. If your child is running ill. During that time, if you have this type of dream, then soon you can see positive improvement in your child’s health.

If you dream that you raise a small crow at home and that child becomes a pet. So this dream tells that in the coming days you will prepare yourself for all kinds of trouble. You will not give up under any circumstances. On the one hand, this dream indicates your positive change. While on the other hand, this dream also indicates the struggle of life. In this situation, you have to maintain your confidence.

7. Sign of being surrounded by enemies

If you see many crows together in your dream and they are hovering around you or above your head, then this dream serves as an advice for you. This dream tells that at present you are surrounded by enemies from all sides. Anything can go wrong with you.

The people whom you were considering as your own are just looking for an opportunity to make you fall. Along with this, this dream also indicates that your relatives will deliberately put you in such trouble so that you become publicly defamed. So after this dream, before doing any kind of work, definitely use your intelligence and discretion.

If your engagement or marriage has been fixed, then after this dream such a situation may arise in your family due to which your engagement or marriage may break. It is possible that you may get such a serious disease.

 After which you have no remedy for that mistake. If many crows are roaming round and round on your head, it means that many false allegations may be leveled against you in the coming days.

8. Indication of low return on hard work

If you repeatedly have the same type of dream in which black crow appears. Or if you have dreams related to crows three or four days a week, then this dream tells that your life is going to be a struggle in the coming days. You may have to work one and a half times as hard to earn as much money as before.

If crows are seen flying over the head again and again in the dream, then this dream tells that there may be Pitra Dosh in your house. You ask your grandparents which ancestors you used to celebrate. Do you still believe in that father? If you don’t cheat Pitarji Maharaj, then you should befriend him again through Tantrik Vidhan. So that you can get rid of big trouble.  

9. Signs of negative energy being effective

If you see many crows sitting together in a herd in your dream, then this dream is not considered auspicious snack for you. This dream indicates that there are negative forces revolving around you at the present time. It is waiting for you to be negative. Whenever you are negative, this power will enter you. With this your morale will break and you will start feeling lonely. So friends, after this dream, start worshiping your favorite god so that negative energy does not affect you.

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10. Damage signal

If you see a crow sitting on the branch of a crow tree in your dream. Or if you see beaks fighting with each other, then this dream does not give auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates danger for you. This dream indicates that you may have to face many losses in the coming days, this dream also indicates to be careful.

Because of which, in the coming days, you will have to keep in mind that whether you lock any work for tomorrow. Try to finish the work which is possible today. To end the bad effect of this dream, worship of Bholenath should be done.

11. Sign of lack of love

Friends, if you see a pair of crows in your dream, then this dream is not considered auspicious for you. After this dream, many types of problems can come together in your life. If the pair of crows is very calm, then this dream indicates that in the coming days, you will not get that much love from your life partner, which you wanted to win. After this dream, there will be a decrease in your love.

If you see a pair of crows cawing, it means that you may have to fulfill some obligations just to keep the honor of the family members. Along with this it also tells that your life partner is very clever. He takes advantage of your every emotion wrongly. So after this dream you have to give maximum time to each other to fill love in your married life.

12. Signs of serious illness

You have a dream in which a black crow appears in the middle of the night. So this dream gives an inauspicious sign for you. This dream tells that in the coming days you may have some serious disease which you had not even thought about. If you are walking healthy and only then you have this type of dream, then you should be alert from this dream.

So that you can avoid a big disease. If the crow is cawing on seeing you, then it means that in the coming days you will continue to go towards bad company. Such bad thoughts will start coming in your mind which will act like a drug for you. You want to do something else and something else will happen. Thus this dream does not give a good sign for us.

13. End of trouble and sign of getting employment

Hello friends, you are welcome in our blog, today we are going to talk about what it is like to see crows with you in dreams. If you dream that Akuwa lives with you like a pet bird, then this dream gives a good sign for you. This dream tells that you are going to get great success in the coming days.

 If you have been going through problems for a long time, then after this dream, your problems will end completely. If you are unemployed then after this dream you can find someone who can provide you employment.

14. Will get the benefit of the government scheme

If you see a crow getting wet in the rain in your dream, then this dream is considered a good sign for you. This dream indicates that it will rain soon. If you are a farmer then after this dream you will see big profit in your fields. If you are getting wet in water with crows, then this dream indicates that you are going to get the benefit of the government scheme in the coming days.

15. Sign of child birth

If you see a crow’s nest in your dream, then this dream is not considered less than a good news for you. Due to this you can get some good news. If you see babies or eggs in a crow’s nest, it means that soon a small child may step into your family. If a childless woman sees this dream, then after this dream she too can get a child with the blessings of her ancestors. After this dream, a special puja should be held to welcome your ancestors remembering them.

16. Sign of getting respect

 If you see crows and cats in a dead state in your dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you, this dream tells about your cleanliness, due to which you will get the support of many people at once. Along with this, this dream also indicates that in the coming days you will get a lot of respect and power together.

17. You have to help someone

You dream that you are sitting in your house and the crow is looking at you with one eye. As the crow has recognized you, then this dream tells you that at present someone will come in your life who will expect help from you. Do not try to appear ignorant in front of that person.

Along with this, you also have to keep in mind that you should not make false promises to anyone. May be God can take size test in some form or the other. If you can’t give anything to someone, don’t insult the needy by mistake. Otherwise your bad days may start. So this dream acts as a warning for us.

18. Signs of Confusion

You must have heard this Sanskrit Salok. It has been told that the way the crow is black, similarly the cuckoo is also black and no difference can be made between the two. But when the spring season comes, the cuckoo starts singing in a melodious voice early in the morning. Means crow and cuckoo are identified only by speech.

If you see a cuckoo and a crow sitting together in a dream, then this dream does not give an inauspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days you will have two ways, one way will be right and one will be wrong, you have to guess which way is right. Visually, both the paths will look the same. So after this dream you may get a bit confused.

19. Sign of inner happiness

Friends, there must be some person on whom the birds have not pooped. When you are standing under a tree or under an electric wire, birds definitely poop on us. And the birds are not targeted at all. Let’s talk about dreams, if a crow sits on you in a dream, then this dream seems inauspicious.

But this dream is not considered an inauspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that happiness and peace will come in your life in the coming days. Earlier you used to get angry on every thing. Or you used to get angry on small things. After this dream, your mind will be completely calm. You will feel the feeling that comes with the awakening of the three chakras in the spiritual life.

Peepal has a belief related to Taurus. Friends, crow is such a bird that eats peepal seeds. It is said that Peepal trees grow only because of crows. It is said that when a crow eats the seeds of a Peepal tree, the seed germinates in the crow’s stomach. When the seed comes out through the pot, that seed becomes a successful tree.

It is said that Peepal trees grow because of crows. Peepal tree is considered very sacred in our scriptures. It is believed that the deities reside in the Peepal tree.

20. Signs of increasing disease

The crow’s voice is much harsher than the cuckoo’s. That’s why no one wants to hear the crow’s voice. Everyone wants to hear the voice of the cuckoo. Because friends, many poets have written poems on cuckoo, have written songs on cuckoo only. In this way the cuckoo has been proved to be the king in comparison to the well.

But you will be surprised to know that the cuckoo has not received the association of any God. But the crow has got the company of Lord Shri Ram. Lord Shri Ram has got the company of crows from childhood till exile. That’s why you must have seen that no one welcomes the cuckoo during the Shraddha Paksha. Everyone respects the crow. The king of crows was Kak Bhusundi to whom Garuda had narrated the Ramayana.

According to Sakun Shastra, if a crow is crowing on the eaves of your house, then it indicates the arrival of a guest. But according to dream science, if you see a crow in your dream, then this dream invites some big trouble. If a person in your house has been ill for a long time, then after this dream his health may worsen further.

If you drive away crows while speaking in your dream and remember Ram along with it, it means that you may get some good news in the coming days. It is possible that suddenly you will be blessed by Lord Kuber. It is believed that when you have this type of dream, you should share this dream with everyone. So that this dream does not affect you badly.

Dream of a visitor – follow crow in dream

A visitor’s dream – Namaskar Gupta ji, my name is Rajendra Chabarwal, I live in Nawada, Delhi. I currently work in an MLM company. Yesterday four clients came to our office. While handling them, we got in trouble. When I came back home, it was 11 in the night. As soon as I entered the room, my eyes fell. That’s why I have a dream in my sleep. I was passing through a forest.

 Then a crow appeared sitting in front of me. When I saw him, he started behaving strangely. That’s why when I looked into the eyes of that crow, I saw innocence. And that crow tries to call me through its voice. The crow is walking ahead of me and I am following the crow. In this way, almost the embers of the forest started entering the dark caves. When I looked at the crow very carefully, I realized that the crow has become four times bigger than before.

When I stop at the entrance of the cave, the crow signals me to go inside. But I don’t go inside. As I turn back from the cave, the crow starts calling loudly. That’s why when I run back fast, many crows start flying behind me.

A crow was about to peck me. Then my eyes open. Then I looked around me and saw nothing. I found myself sleeping in the bedroom. My body was sweating. That’s why I thanked God. Thank you so much that it was just a dream.

Sir, tell me what is the meaning of this type of dream. How do I follow a crow in a dream in a dream? What is the meaning of this dream? Reply to my comment as soon as possible.

Ans- Hello Rajendra ji, welcome to our blog, today we are going to know that when someone sees a crow in a dream, then the person gets very scared because we associate the crow with negative energy. But on the other hand crow had been one of the most favorite bird of Lord Sharira Rama. If you saw in a dream that you are going after a crow, then this dream acts as a warning for you.

This dream tells that in the coming days you are going to get caught in the clutches of someone who will take you on the wrong path. Someone can trick you into fooling you by luring you. If after this dream you should not be active in activities like lion market or lottery. Otherwise, you may be completely ruined in the coming days.

21. Sign of facing reality

If a crow steals something from you or it may seem inauspicious for you, but this dream is considered auspicious for us. According to the scriptures, when a crow steals a piece of bread from the hands of Shri Ramchandra ji, he gets divine darshan of God. And the crow touched the Lord on the pretext of a piece.

This was the good fortune of that crow. If a crow steals something from you in real life, then it definitely gets knowledge. Due to which he becomes aware of the real values ​​of life and merges in the devotion of the Lord.

You get knowledge about the truth of the world. After this you will not be influenced by any illusionary person of the world and you will go beyond the life of luxury. By looking at a person from a distance, you can guess why he is coming to you.

22. Signs of increase in economic benefits and respect

Hello friends, if you see a crow eating bread etc. in your dream, then this dream gives a good sign for you. This dream tells that in the coming days your ancestors are going to be very happy with you. Because of which you can get some such work in future which will give you financial benefit. But along with this your respect will also increase. After this dream, you should keep grains, bread, wheat rice and other eatables on the roof for the crows. It is not necessary that you give food to crows in Shradh. You can give on other days also. Lord Shri Ramchandra ji will be happy with this.

According to a Puranic legend of Ramayana, the crow used to deliberately play with the child form of Shri Ram to eat the body of Lord Rama Chandra ji. When Lord Shri Ram was in the form of a small child, crows snatched a piece of bread from his hand.

As soon as a piece of bread is sprinkled, the child form of God starts crying. That’s why God goes after that crow. When no one was watching, then Lord Shri Ram gave divine darshan to the crow. Similarly, if you also do devotion to God with a true heart, then definitely God gives you darshan.

Why is it inauspicious to see crows?

Friends, according to Garuda Purana, crows have been considered as messengers of Yamraj, the god of death. Whenever any inauspicious event is about to happen in our house, a big crow sits on our house. Apart from this, the crow is also the favorite bird of Shani Dev, so the person who has the condition of Shani Dev or the person whose planetary direction of Shani is not going right, he sees a crow in his dream.

If you have this type of dream, your planetary position may deteriorate. According to the scriptures, it is told that the crow was a great devotee of Lord Shankar. He always used to talk bad about other gods. That’s why the crow’s voice became hoarse. The raucous sound of a crow spreads negativity.

Due to its effect, a person gets angry on every thing, the mind remains restless, even in sweet music, there is a harshness. In this way, due to fighting and quarreling, our mind does not remain under control. So we can say that crow is inauspicious for Jamra.

Why is it auspicious to see crows?

Shani Dev has a crow there. If you see a crow flying in your dream, then after this dream you can get the benefit of wealth. If you have been engaged in some work for a long time, then you will get immense success after this dream. In epics like Ramayana, Kausya has been described as a great devotee of Ram.

When Lord Rama was a child, someone had snatched the bread from the Lord’s hand. So that he can touch God. That’s why God showed his great form to the crow.

Seeing crows flying in dreams

Friends, if your grandfather is no more in this world and you see a black crow flying in the open sky in your dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that the soul of your deceased relative is very peaceful. His soul has found peace. Your family members are very happy in heaven. You will live a happy life with his blessings. Shani Dev will give you good benefits after this dream. So you should be happy with this dream.

If the crow is coming flying towards you in the dream, then you may have to face the condition of the planet Saturn. After this dream, if you work on the right path, then you will get benefits from Shani Dev and you will also get legal success. Along with improvement in health, you will get peace of mind. Apart from this, you will also experience spiritual happiness.

Seeing crows drinking water in dreams

If you dream of seeing Main Paiwe drinking water, then this dream is considered auspicious for you. This dream means that in the coming days you are going to move ahead with your cleverness. If you do more cleverness than physical effort, then you will definitely move forward. Just as a crow can do big things with its cleverness. / In the same way, in the future, with your cleverness, you will make even the seemingly impossible work possible.

Because experience will take you to a limit, after that only your cleverness will work. You have intelligence, you just have to use it. Friends, even after working hard, you are not getting the result of your hard work, then after this dream, you have to change the direction of your hard work. Because according to Jyoti Shastra, it gives indication of disorder in hard work. After this dream you have to worship Lord Shani. So that your diminished powers get re-awakened.

Dreaming of crows fighting with each other

If you see many crows fighting together in your dream, then this dream gives an inauspicious sign for you. This dream tells that soon a big accident may happen to you, due to which you will suffer loss of life and property. After this dream, if you are able to control your anger, then you can avoid big losses.

 If you are a married person, then you may have a dispute with your partner in the coming days. Before accepting someone’s words, you must check their veracity. If you believe other’s words without seeing your eyes, then your house will be ruined in future.

Dream about baby crow

Friends, if you see a crow’s baby in your dream, then this dream informs us that in the coming days such a person will come in your family who will take care of your whole family together. If you dream that someone is catching crows, then in the coming days you may deviate from your goal. Or someone can intentionally harm you.

Seeing white crows in dream

Friends, if you see a white crow in your dream, then this dream is considered a good sign for you. The white crow indicates the awakening of fortune. You can get very good news after this dream. If you are going through financial problems, then after this dream your financial problems will go away.

If you are working in any government or non-government department, then after this dream you will get your favorite job as soon as possible. It is believed that in ancient times the color of crow was also white but some sage cursed the crow and the crow became black.

Breaking crow’s nest in dream

Friends, troubling any human or animal without any reason is considered a sin. If a bird puts a nest in your house, then you should keep that nest in a safe place. If you dream that you are deliberately breaking a crow’s nest, then this dream is a bad sign for you.

This dream tells that soon something wrong is going to happen with your younger siblings or younger children. You should take full care of your children after this dream. If you have given means to run your children, then after this dream, keep a close watch on them.

If you are doing some work, then by mistake the crow’s nest breaks from your hands, then this dream tells that something like this can happen to you in the coming days. Which you didn’t even think about. It is possible that you may come across a problem which is not worth telling to anyone.

Pregnant women seeing crow in dreams

If a pregnant woman sees a crow in her dream, then this dream indicates that whatever child you are going to get in future. Must be your ancestors in some form or the other. Means your ancestors will be in your house after taking second birth. By the way, this dream is not less than a boon for you. Because we never want to lose our elders.

If they come back to us again in some form or the other. So what is the place of our happiness. Your child who will be after this dream will be a clever driver and a devotee of Ram. In whose family you come, newness will come in your whole family.  

If a crow tries to peck on the belly of a pregnant woman, it means that you are going to have travel-related losses. If you are planning for a trip, then you should cancel this type of observance.

Seeing crow eating meat in dream

Guys crow says all kinds of things. The crow eats both non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. If both the types are said then the crow will prefer to eat non-vegetarian first. , If you see a crow sitting on the roof of your house in your dream. You see a crow sitting on the roof eating goat meat.

Or if you see a piece of meat in your beak, then this dream is going to disturb you a lot, due to which you will be very upset with life. You may have to live with someone under compulsion. If a crow is eating meat sitting in the courtyard of your house, it means that you may have to live with some compulsion in the coming days.

If a crow is sitting on a dead animal and eating it by scratching it in the dream, it means that you may suffer from some major disease in the coming days. Along with this, this dream also indicates drowning in anxiety.

A man becomes Kakbhushundi due to a curseStory

In our scriptures, crows have been described as the biggest devotees of Ram among birds. There is a legend behind this. In ancient times there used to be a sage named Lomesh. He used to narrate the story of Lord Narayan everyday. People used to walk from far and wide to listen to his story. One of the people who heard the story was very boisterous but he was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. When Lomesh ji Maharaj used to narrate the story of Lord Vishnu. 

Then that person had respect only for Lord Shiva and he used to listen to Lord Vishnu’s story skeptically. Because it is a simple matter that until we do not understand the origin of religion, doubts remain in the mind. When doubts are running in the mind, we do not listen to the story with devotion and many types of arguments go on in our mind. Similarly, arguments were going on in that person’s mind regarding the story. Because of which he repeatedly argues with Lomesh Rishi.

He also started arguing with logic. Whenever the story starts again it brings new questions. Thus he was not allowing the story to progress for hours. That’s why Lomesh Rishi gets angry and he angrily curses him that for how long he has been crowing, you will be born in the vagina of a crow in the next life.

After this curse the person becomes completely calm and listens to the story for hours without asking any questions. Lomesh Rishi sees that none of these hundreds of people is asking Swala. Then Lomesh Rishi regrets his curse. After all, if the disciple does not ask questions to the Guru, then who will?

The poor people were unnecessarily punished harshly. Then they ask him that I punished you harshly without any reason and you did not feel bad at all and you have been listening to the story for many hours. Then that person replied in such a way that Lomesh Rishi has even blessed him. That person said that whatever happens happens as per the will of GOD, there is no fault of yours in this.

Blessed them that in the next life you will get immense devotion to the Lord. In the next life you will become a devotee of Rama and you will get the company of Lord Rama and you will be famous by the name of Kakabhushudiji and the birds of your species will get the status of devotees of Rama.

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