Seeing cow dung in dream Hindu ,Dung Cake, eating, putting

Dung in dream meaning Hindu

Cow dung in a dream meaning– in our scriptures, the Panch Gavya milk, curd, butter, cow dung and urine etc. have been told, which are considered very good from our body, environment and religious point of view . Panchgavya is said to be very useful for purity, power, purity, health and environmental improvement. From the point of view of Hindu … Read more

Worship in dream meaning Hindu, Worship Hindu god in dream

Worship in dream meaning, Doing worship in dream

Worship in dream meaning Hindu, Doing worship in dream-there are different methods of text-worship in every religion and worship has a special significance. Friends, when we get lost in the devotional rasa, and we keep on worshiping God regularly. Seeing yourself worshiping in a dream at that time is considered an auspicious sign, so this dream tells that you have … Read more

Shopping dream meaning Hindu

Shopping dream meaning Hindu

Shopping dream meaning, Shopping dream meaning Islam- Friends, we know that shopping costs money. If we see ourselves shopping in a dream, then we have started worrying about money. Friends, today we will know whether shopping in dream is auspicious or inauspicious. Friends, every type of dream definitely has some meaning, no matter what kind of dream it … Read more

Clothes dream meaning islam

New cloth dream meaning islamic interpretation

Cloth dream meaning ,Clothes dream interpretation-When we are in sleep, we have many types of dreams. Ordinary dreams, scary dreams, death dreams, sad dreams, hopeful dreams. Friends, when any auspicious work is done within our Hindu religion, clothes are presented. The tradition of gifting clothes has been going on for years, whenever any recitation-path-worship is … Read more