Clothes dream meaning islam

Cloth dream meaning ,Clothes dream interpretation-When we are in sleep, we have many types of dreams. Ordinary dreams, scary dreams, death dreams, sad dreams, hopeful dreams. Friends, when any auspicious work is done within our Hindu religion, clothes are presented. The tradition of gifting clothes has been going on for years, whenever any recitation-path-worship is done in our house, first of all we present Moli in the form of clothes to Ganeshji Maharaj(Hindu God), seeing clothes in dreams. Cloth dream meaning ,Clothes dream interpretation

Then the clothes are presented to the brahmin. And later the women of our house, the gardener of the house, presenting clothes to the women and touching their feet. All these are considered very auspicious according to Hindu religion, and by doing so our sins are destroyed. Friends, today we will talk about seeing clothes in a dream. What does it mean to see clothes in a dream? So let me tell friends, there are many meanings of seeing clothes in a dream, which depends on the type of dream, what you are doing in the dream.

What type of clothes do you see in your dream? In this way, there are many dreams related to seeing clothes in a dream, such as seeing clothes in a dream, seeing new clothes in a dream, wearing colorful clothes, clean clothes, dirty clothes, washing clothes, burning clothes, there are many such dreams. So let’s know each dream in detail.

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Cloth dream meaning islam

Clothes dream meaning islam

If you see clothes in a dream, then this dream is considered a bad dream for you, this dream tells that you may have to face defamation in the coming time. Apart from this, this dream also indicates that in the coming time your dear companions will start hating. And the people who used to give you respect earlier, they will start addressing you by bad name.

New cloth dream meaning islamic interpretation

According to the dream scriptures, if you see new clothes in your dream, then this SP gives auspicious signs for you, this dream tells that soon you are going to get high respect. If you do not get success even after working hard, during that time you see new clothes in your dream, then it means that soon you are going to get a new success. If the dream of new clothes comes again and again, then it means that soon there will be big profits in your business.

Wearing new clothes dream meaning

Friends, if you see clothes packing in polythene in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. According to the dream science, if you see new clothes, then this dream indicates getting financial benefits.

Apart from this, this dream indicates the attainment of family happiness and happy life. If you are going through poverty situation. And during that time if you see new clothes in your dream then it means that soon your financial condition is going to improve.

Dream abut give cloths

Friends, in our society, we get to hear this thing that you will fill as you do, the more you do good to the people, the more it will be good for you, or donating is considered a very virtuous work. So do you know the real meaning of charity. Charity means that for whom or in whose name we donate something, for that reason these things increase manifold voluntarily.

We say that God does not eat Prasad. What is the need to offer prasad, so friends, by offering prasad, God’s love for us increases manifold. Donating is an act of great virtue. Friends, in our scriptures food donation, clothing donation, cow donation, land donation, daughter donation, in this way many types of donations have been told, the biggest of these donations are food donation and clothes donation.

If you see yourself donating clothes to the poor in a dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that you are going to get a lot of financial benefits in the coming days. If you see any other person donating, then soon positive energy will develop in your life and the bad thoughts going on in your mind will end.

If you take donations in a dream, then this dream is not considered a good sign because taking donations indicates a debt head. This dream tells that soon you are going to drown in debt.

Dream meaning clothes gifts

Friends, who does not like to take or give gifts. Whenever there is a small festival in our house and we go to meet our family members or relatives, we take gifts for them. Due to which both the giver and the giver of the gift feel very happy.
Today’s children think that this is a new custom introduced by the British, no friends, many proofs have been found in our scriptures. In which a king gives a gift to another king. But he was called gift or gift.
If you are giving a gift to someone in a dream, then it is considered an auspicious dream. This dream shows that in the coming time you can get some happy news. If you are taking a gift from someone in your dream, then it means that soon you are going to get such a surprise which you will be very happy to see or hear.

Buying cloth dream meaning

If you are buying clothes for yourself in a dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that soon you are going to start a new work and that work will be related to your financial life.

It means to say that you are about to start a new business. If you are buying a lot of clothes in your dream, then this dream shows that soon many friends are going to congratulate you together. But I don’t know what the congratulation is.

Burning clothes in a dream

Friends, burning clothes does not give any auspicious sign in real life. But friends, if you see in your dream that you are burning new clothes, then this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs. An inauspicious sign would be that if a big trouble is going to start in your life soon.

Dream about clothing store

If you are unemployed, in search of employment, you are not getting good employment anywhere, during that time you see a lot of clothes shop in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious sign for you.

This dream indicates that you will get employment soon. So this dream should make you happy. If your business is continuously going into losses, during that time you get this dream in which you see a clothes shop, then it means that soon your loss is going to turn into profit.

If you are not doing any kind of business then this dream indicates your progress. You will get promotion in the field in which you work.

Top Website to Buy Clothes Online

Cutting cloths in dream meaning

Friends, there are many types of dreams related to cutting clothes. In dreams you see yourself as a tailor. And if you are cutting clothes to sew clothes, then it means that you are tired of your work and soon you are going to start some new work.

If you are a woman and you are not associated with the work of tailor, during that time you see in your dream that you are cutting your new clothes into pieces with scissors. So this spell will be considered as an auspicious sign for you.

This dream suggests that soon you may have a fight with your neighbor. It means to say that the neighboring lady will try to defame you by making bad slanders on you. So after this dream you need to be alert.

Ironing cloth dream meaning

If you are seen doing iron in your dream, then this dream is less of a warning for you. You will have to bear the heavy consequences.

If you do any government or non-government job, and you have this type of dream, then you should be very alert. Because there is someone who is keeping an eye on your actions. So you can get suspended in the coming time.

By the way, if you see this dream proves to be positive for you. Because this dream warns you, which gives you a chance to handle.

Changing clothes in a dream, Dream interpretation changing clothes

Seeing changing clothes in a dream indicates getting cheated and bringing out the hidden talent. If you see a person changing clothes. If there is a person who is repeatedly wearing clothes of different colors and removing them from in front of you, then this dream warns you.

The people whom you considered yours. Or the people you trust more than yourself. They will turn out to be cheaters. It means to say that soon the veil of fraudsters is going to be torn down.

If you see yourself changing clothes in a dream, then this dream inspires you to show your talent. This dream tells that you will not get success unless you tell your inner qualities to the people yourself. That is, you have to show by doing something, only then you will be able to become a successful person.

Dream meaning of sewing cloth

According to Swapnashastra, if you see yourself sewing in a dream, then this dream will be considered an auspicious dream for you. That in the coming days, your bad work will be done, if you are surrounded by different types of problems of life. And during that time you are seen sewing in a dream, it means that all your troubles will go away together.

If you are battling with some disease, if you see you sewing in a dream during that time, then this dream indicates that in the coming days your health is going to be very beneficial.

Seeing scattered clothes in dream

Seeing clothes hanging or scattered on the bed gives an auspicious sign. This dream shows that in the coming time a lot of happiness is going to come in your house, due to which you are going to have fireworks in your courtyard. If you see a pile of clothes in your dream, it means that soon you will suffer some financial loss. If you see a large amount of dirty clothes, then it means that soon you may have to face some big trouble.

Colorful cloths in dream meaning

White cloth dream meaning

If you see white clothes in your dream, then it means that soon your respect is going to increase in the society. If you see a Pandit wearing yellow clothes with you, then it means that marriage yoga is going to be formed in the coming days, if a married woman or a man sees this dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you.

This dream is an indication of the fact that something bad is going to happen to your life partner in the coming days. If you see a pile of white clothes in your dream, it means that soon positive changes will come in your behavior.

If you see yourself wrapped in a white cloth in a dream, then this dream can cause great sorrow for you because this dream shows being a victim of some big accident. That you can lose your hands and feet in an accident.

Red cloth dream Islam

If you see red clothes in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream shows the loss of money that soon such a creature is going to come in your life. Whoever you come in contact with, your misfortune will wake up, due to which you will not be able to avoid misfortune even after making a million efforts.

If you are in another country while dreaming, then this dream tells that soon you can be thrown out of this country, then at that time you need to be very careful because someone traps you in the trap of your love. Serious charges may lie above.

If you see a person selling red clothes in your dream, it means that soon there may be a theft in your house. But soon you will not be able to find out what has been stolen from your home.

Meaning of yellow clothes in dream

If you have been running ill for a long time, during that time you see yellow clothes in your dream, then this dream is a good sign for you. This dream shows that in the coming time your health is going to be up to five times better than before.

It means to say that there is going to be a positive effect on your health. Apart from this, if you see yourself in yellow clothes in a dream, then this dream has a positive effect on our life. This dream indicates money gain that soon you are going to get a lot of money as a boon.

Dream about green cloths in dream meaning

This dream is also like seeing yellow clothes, this dream works as a boon for a sick person. Soon you can see positive improvement in your health in the coming days. If this dream is seen by an arrogant person, then this dream does not give a good sign for him. Because this dream indicates the breakdown of ego.

That soon your humour is going to be shattered. And all the false clothes and clothes that you have made will be found in the soil. So the arrogant person should take a lesson from this dream and if possible, reduce your humiliation so that you can avoid troubles in the coming time.

If a married woman sees herself in a green sari, then this dream indicates to rekindle the romance in life that in the coming time, the closeness between you and your husband is going to increase and your husband will be many times more than before you. Will love you more

If your husband is away from you and you see yourself in a green sari in your dream, it means that soon your separated husband will be in your arms.

Black cloths in dream meaning

A visitor’s dream – Sir my name is Kirti Joshi, I live in Canada with my family. Sir tomorrow Murray has a dream in which I see completely black clothes. So what is the meaning of this dream? The interesting thing is that I hate black color, so I have got my hair brown too.

So what is the meaning of this dream? When I asked my husband, he scolded me for thinking about useless things. That’s when I said that if dreams are useless, stop the coming dreams and show them. Suppose I am less educated but you are bechlor, show control over your dreams. Then he could not answer my words. So sir tell me what is the meaning of this dream.

Ans. Kirti ji, this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days the same people who you consider to be your family friend, pretend to be good in front of you.

But in reality he is not a good person. They are waiting for when you make a mistake and when we get a chance to surround you. So friends also works as a warning for you. That you should not trust a friend too much.

And neither tell him your thoughts because if you tell him your thoughts or you tell him your future plan, then he will take advantage of your plan and cause harm to you. So after this dream you need to be cautious.

Seeing torn clothes in dream Islam

In a dream you are passing through a forest and suddenly your clothes get entangled in the tree stump. And if your clothes get torn, then this dream does not give a good sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time people will try to look down on you.

Those whom you consider as your friend are not really your friends, they are just waiting for your mistake. That when you make a mistake and when should I take advantage of that mistake .

If in a dream you see a scattered person in torn clothes, then this dream gives inauspicious signs for you, this dream tells that soon you may have to face some financial crisis.

Washing cloth dream meaning

If you see yourself wearing clothes in a dream, then this dream is considered an auspicious sign for you, this dream indicates that you may have to travel a long journey in the coming days. And the journey you will go on is going to be very pleasant .

If you are washing clothes in a dream and see that the clothes are very dirty and the amount of mail removed from them is too much. Like the river of Mel is flowing.

So this type of dream tells that there are going to be many small obstacles in the long journey.

Drying clothes dream meaning

A woman wrote her dream that Sir my name is Anjali Goswami , I belong from Mewar, Rajasthan. Yesterday, it was around 9 o’clock in the night by Har Par Loti after doing his field work in his pocket. By the time I had finished cooking, I was lying on my four pies waiting for Nikku ‘s father.

Then my eyes lit up. Then my dream comes in which I see that I am drying clothes on the terrace with a big bucket. Once I saw clothes drying in my dream, what does this dream indicate? Please kindly tell me.

Ans Anjali ji If you are seen drying clothes in your dream or you see yourself drying clothes, then this dream acts as a warning for you. This dream tells that in the coming days some big problem may come on you. So you need to be alert for that transmission.

If you see a neighbor or neighbor drying clothes, then this dream shows your ego, that there is a lot of ego inside you. Because of which you are not ready to accept anyone’s point of view. So when this type of dream comes, you should take advice from your friends or friends so that it will be easy to solve your troubles .

Dream interpretation selling clothes islam

If you see yourself as a clothes seller, then this dream is considered a bad sign for you. This dream indicates that there is going to be a financial crisis in your life in the coming times. If you see another person selling clothes in your dream, then it means that soon some unknown person is going to cause great harm to you.

In your dream you go to the market and you see many people selling clothes on the side of the road, then this dream does not give a good sign for you. You may have to travel a lot .

Dream interpretation stealing your clothes

If you see yourself as a thief in your dream, you have seen that if you steal clothes from a shop, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream shows the danger of revealing your old secrets. This dream indicates that your secrets are going to be revealed in the coming time . The secret that you have been keeping silent for years. Now all those secrets will come in front of everyone.

This dream indicates that you are ready to bear the pain due to the disclosure of your secrets . That you should be ready for all these troubles. Many times it happens that we cannot bear many sorrows and taunts. Which leads us to the path of death .

Dream meaning of wearing red cloth

If you are a woman and see yourself in red clothes or red sari in a dream, then this dream acts as an advice for you. This dream indicates that you are very careless in present life . If it continues like this, then you may have to face a lot of consequences for it.

If you are a married man and see yourself in red clothes in your dream, it means that you are going to get less love from your wife in the coming days . And maybe he leaves you and goes away. So friends, after such a dream, you should take care of your wife and fulfill her small dreams. Give full time to your wife.

In a dream someone asks you for clothes

If someone asks you for clothes in a dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs. This dream tells that soon you are going to get a high position. And along with this dream also gives a sign of increasing your pride.

If a farmer sees in a dream that a beggar is asking for clothes from him, then this dream indicates that the farmer’s good fortune wakes up. You will get good yield in the coming time . By which you will become richer than before and you have kept dreaming of winning even small dreams, they will be fulfilled.

Old clothes dream meaning

If in a dream you go out of the house for some work and you find old clothes on the way , then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream represents a positive change in your life . That soon the negative energies are going to fade away from your life. And positive forces are going to have more effect.  

If you are a woman and you get a sari in your dream, then this dream shows the attainment of divine powers for you. That the miraculous powers of your Mother Goddess are about to come. Due to which you will get a lot of financial benefits. If you get a shiny saree, it means that you can be a victim of some deception.

New cloth dream

According to the dream scriptures, if you see new clothes in a dream or if you see new clothes lying somewhere in your dream, then this dream is considered to give good and auspicious results for you. If you get new clothes in your dream, then this dream tells that soon your respect and happiness is going to increase manifold.

If you bargain for new clothes in your dream, then this dream gives a good sign for you, it tells that soon you are going to get a big success. If you see new clothes in your dream, then this dream indicates loss of respect  .

Seeing someone in white clothes in a dream

If you see a man in white clothes in a dream, then this dream gives a positive sign for you. This dream tells that soon evils will come to an end in your life. Whatever negative habits you have inside you are all going to be dropped.

If you see many people going in white cups in your dream, then this dream gives a bad sign for you. This dream tells that in the coming days you may get news of some death. The one whose death will be reported is going to be very close .

What happens when dead person comes in dream

Sir, my name is Jarni Prajapat, yesterday I had a dream in which I saw that my grandfather is giving me clothes to wear and I am obeying my grandfather. I am saying that I already have a lot of clothes. The special thing is that it has been two years since my grandfather died Sir I am very scared. What does this dream mean .

Ans. Rajni ji this dream does not give auspicious sign foryou. This dream indicates that you are going to have some big trouble in the coming time. Grandfather is giving you clothes in a dream and you have taken clothes, then this dream gives inauspicious signs for you. This dream tells that soon some disease is goingto take over you.

Baby girl clothes dream meaning

If you see the clothes of a newborn child in a dream, then the art of this dream is that soon you are going to go through some sorrow and pain . Apart from this, if you see the clothes of the child stained with blood, then this dream proves to be very scary for you. This dream tells that you are going to have bad days in the coming time.

If you see a small child in clean clothes in your dream, then it means that soon you will get many opportunities of progress together, you have to choose one among them. Along with this, this SP gives a sign of increasing your fame. That soon your name is going to be very famous .

If you see a child holding a soil dirty, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. That soon your prestige is going to increase.

Dream meaning of a pink cloth in Islam

Friends, if you see pink clothes in your dream, then this dream shows your positive energy, this dream is believed to be a symbol of the fact that soon the positive energy will develop inside you, winning the negative energy in physical form or Negative thoughts are on the rise.

 All of them will turn into positive thoughts. If you are a poor person, you have a desire to buy many material things in your mind but due to lack of budget, your wish has remained incomplete. During that time , if you see pink colored clothes in your dream, it means that soon all your physical desires like buying a car, building a bungalow, taking a flat, shopping for a big deal are all going to be fulfilled.

If this dream comes to a peaceful person, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream shows that soon your mind is going to be absorbed in concentration and you will achieve the ultimate bliss which you have spent a lot of money to achieve but still you have not got that happiness and peace . After this dream all that will be possible.

Along with this, this dream also shows the sense of love that soon a feeling of love will arise in your mind, due to which many positive changes will happen inside you. Which will take you to the highest peak of success .

Dream interpretation blue clothes

If you see blue clothes in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. Seeing blue clothes indicates fulfillment of desires according to Swapnashastra . Whatever you have been wishing for a long time, that wish is going to be fulfilled soon.

If you see yourself in blue clothes or blue sari, then this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs for you. An inauspicious sign is that you may have to face many struggles in the coming time. And a good sign or that after the struggle, you will get tremendous success   , which you did not even imagine.

If you see yourself in a blue sari, it means that you are going to get a big victory soon. If you see yourself buying a blue saree, then it means that soon you are going to get a good job , in which you will get a package of lakhs.

Beautiful clothes in dream Islam

Friends, every person wants to wear beautiful clothes, nowadays there is a competition among every person that I s, hould look most beautiful so that people’s attention can be drawn towards me . Friends, nowadays, the personality of a person is spilled only by the clothes, what kind of person he is, what kind of nature he is, it is all seen later. That’s why beautiful cups have a lot of importance.

But friends, its meaning in the dream is completely opposite. If you see beautiful clothes in your dream, then this dream does not give a good sign for you. This dream indicates that some serious crisis is going to come upon you in the coming time.

Clothes dream Islamic interpretation

If you see dirty clothes in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time you may become a victim of someone’s hatred. Due to which you may also have to face physical problems .

In a dream, if you see a dead person giving clothes to you, then this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream tells that soon you may have to face bad health.

If you see the dead without clothes, it means that you may die soon, after this dream you should remember the master above you and distribute one-fourth of your wealth among the poor. Due to which your sufferings will be reduced to some extent.

Seeing someone in red cloths

If you are a man and you see a beautiful girl in red clothes in your dream, then this dream gives a very inauspicious sign for you, this dream shows that the days of your life are going to end soon . You are only a guest for a few days.

Something like this is going to happen to you. Due to which all your wishes will remain unfulfilled. If a red-clad woman is seen coming to you with a lamp in her hand, then it means that you are going to be a victim of mental illness soon. 

Wearing white clothes in a dream islam

Friends, if you see yourself in white clothes in a dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that something is going to happen to you in the coming days, due to which your prestige can increase manifold as compared to earlier.

If you are unmarried and you see yourself in white clothes in your dream, then it means that in the coming time there may be suffering in your house also . If this dream comes to a woman, then this dream shows the loss of honor.

Seeing yourself in black cloths

If you see yourself in black clothes in a dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time the closest in your family may die. The cause of death of that close person will not be natural death , the cause of that death will be negative forces .

It means to say that soon some negative forces are going to enter your house, due to which all the opposite things will start happening in your house. You will start seeing some signs when the effect of evil forces starts on your house. So to avoid the effects of this evil forces, you should recite Hanuman Chalisa in the morning and evening.

So that the effect of negative energies on your home can be reduced. Because it has been told in Hanuman Chalisa that “ ghost demons should not come near. Mahavir Jab Sunave” means when we chant   the name of Hanuman ji, then no ghost or vampire can come to us.

Red cloth dream meaning wearing

Friends, if you see yourself in red clothes in a dream, then this dream gives two meanings, first anger and second love and joy. If you see yourself in red clothes in your dream, it means that soon you are going to get unforgettable love . To get the love I have waited for many years. You are going to get that love soon.

If in a dream you see yourself sleeping on a red cloth, then this dream shows the loss due to anger. That in the coming time your anger is going to be uncontrollable, due to which you may have to bear a big brunt.

Seeing woolen cloths in dream

Friends, as soon as they name those clothes, they are reminded of winter. If you see woolen clothes in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that in the coming days you are going to make new hairs. If you are unmarried and you see yourself wearing the same clothes in your dream, it means that some lovely partner is going to come in your life.

Which will be very important for you. If you are married and you see wearing the same clothes in your dream, it means that soon there may be resentment in the relationship between husband and wife.

Give someone old clothes

Friends, clothing donation is included in Mahadan because the basic need of a human being is bread, cloth and house, if there is no house then it does not matter, but it is very necessary to have bread and clothes to live a life of respect.

If you appear as a donor in your dream, you are distributing old clothes to people, then this dream gives a good sign for you, this dream tells that you are going to get a lot of success in the coming time. Due to which you are going to open such a huge means of employment, through which you will get employment provided to hundreds of people .

Washing dirty clothes dream meaning

If you see yourself washing clothes in the river, then this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream indicates that soon you are going to be notorious as a culprit .

It means to say that some such work is going to happen with your hands, due to which you are going to prove to be a criminal in the eyes of the world. Apart from this, this dream also indicates getting caught in the legal trap. that in the coming days you are going to be a criminal in the eyes of the law

Jeans clothes in dream meaning

Friends, nowadays the trend of jeans pent, jeans shirt, jeans coat, jeans trousers, jeans skirt, jeans top etc. is increasing very much. And seeing whom to wear is not an inauspicious sign of any kind.

Friends, if you see jeans in your dream, then this dream gives inauspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that your misfortune is about to wake up in the coming time . And all the power you have in your hands is going to end.

If you are seen wearing torn jeans in your dream, then it means that soon you may become a victim of great slander. If the color of the genus is blue , then it means that soon you may get to hear some bad news. If you are changing with whom then it means that there is going to be a big problem in your business.

Dream buying cloth in red color

If you are a woman and see yourself buying a red saree, then this dream is considered auspicious for you. This dream tells that you are going to fall in love with someone . Or there is going to be a boy in your life who will love you very much .

If you are buying red colored clothes for yourself, then this dream indicates the accumulation of a lot of desires that you are going to have a lot of happiness soon .

Dream interpretation stealing clothes

If you see yourself as a thief in your dream, then this dream does not give you any good sign, this dream tells that in the coming time you are going to be cheated a lot. .

If you are sleeping and someone takes away your blanket in your dream, then it means that you may have to be a victim of fraud by many of your personal people.

Taking off clothes in a dream

If you are a man and in your dream you see a woman taking off her clothes, then the dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that soon you are going to get female happiness. If you are a woman and see yourself without clothes in your dream, it means that you are going to get married in the coming time.

Soon you are going to get the happiness of a man . If in a dream you see a nymph taking off clothes in a dream, it means that soon you are going to get a lot of success.

Finding clothes dream meaning

If you go for some work in a dream and your clothes disappear on the way or if someone steals your clothes, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that something is going to be lost in your life. If you find the lost clothes , then it means that soon you are going to get some happy news .

God’s clothes in dream

Friends, if you see clothes of Bhavan Krishna or Laddu Gopal in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you, this dream shows that soon your luck is going to change. If you yourself are changing the clothes of Laddu Gopal in your dream, then it means that soon you will get child happiness.

If you see yourself buying God’s clothes in your dream, then it means that soon the infinite grace of God is going to shower on you.

Shoping in dream meaning

In the dream, you see yourself shopping in the market but you are not able to know that you buy the type of clothes from the market . So this dream gives you inauspicious signs. This dream tells that you are going to get some bad news in the coming time . If you are seen buying a lot of clothes in your dream, then it means that soon many types of diseases are going to take over you.

Bagging for clothes of dead person in dream

Sir my name is rajneesh chaudhary my father passed away five years ago . But tomorrow I have a dream, in that I saw that my father comes to our house and asks for clothes from me, so what is the meaning of this dream?

Ans Rajneesh ji, this dream does not give auspicious signs for you, this dream gives auspicious signs for you. But if you give clothes after eating them , it means that soon poverty is going to come in your house.

Friends, today we learned about the dream of seeing clothes in a dream, we saw that seeing clothes in a dream in a simple sense is considered an auspicious sign that when many dreams have a positive meaning. Friends, how did you like seeing clothes in our dream today. If you liked seeing clothes in our dream post, then share the link of this post with your friends so that they can also know the true meaning of their dream.

Which aspect of your dream have you found in this article? You must tell us by commenting. If you have any kind of dream related to seeing clothes in your dream, then write your dream in the comment box. We will try to tell the meaning of your dream as soon as possible.

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