Mountain dream interpretation/Seeing mountain in dream– Today we will talk about the dream of seeing mountain in dream, what it is like to see a mountain in a dream. Or seeing a mountain in a dream shows the receipt of which fruit. Friends, there will hardly be any person who has been deprived of dreams. A person who does not have dreams can go mad. Because dreams are a part of human thinking world. No person can separate it from his life even if he wants to. Friends, seeing a mountain in a dream gives auspicious signs in a simple sense, according to which you will make a lot of progress in the coming days. Your stalled development will start again. Apart from this, there are many dreams related to seeing a mountain in a dream, such as seeing a high mountain in a dream, descending from a mountain in a dream, descending from a mountain in a dream, jumping from a mountain in a dream, seeing a mountain cave temple in a dream, seeing a bloody mountain in a dream Seeing a girl dancing on the mountain In this way we get to see many types of dreams related to the mountain. So friends, let’s try to know each and every dream in detail –
Mountain dream interpretation
Mountain dream interpretation, Dream about mountain, mountain dream meaning – if you see a mountain in your dream, then this dream is considered an auspicious sign for you. In a simple sense, this dream indicates that you are going to get great success in the coming time. If you are in a business, government or non-government department, then this dream indicates your progress and reaching heights. If the big mountain was visible in the dream. Equal success will come in the coming time. The higher the height of the mountain, the more successful you will be and the more heights you will reach in life.
High mountain dream meaning, Dream meaning mountain hill
Friends, if a normal high mountain is seen in our dream, then this dream tells about the success we get in life. May you get a tremendous success in the coming days. If you see a mountain in your dream which has a very high height, then this dream indicates this. No obstacle will come in the way of your success in the coming days. If there is any obstacle already going on then it will be over soon.
If you are very upset in life and you work very hard to get success. Still you are not getting your desired success. During that time, if you see a sharp and high mountain in your dream, it means that in the coming days, every kind of increase in your life will end and you will be very close to success. You should be happy with this dream.
Dream meaning about mountain climbing
Friends, we know that climbing a mountain is not an easy task. There is danger in climbing a mountain. But if we do the same thing in a dream, then this dream does not represent any danger. You should be happy with this dream. Because this dream shows positive meaning for you. This dream indicates that your future is going to be very good. Whatever work you are engaged in, that work will be completed very well. Along with this, this dream also shows your progress and progress. The more you stick to the higher mountain you win in the dream, the more progress you will make.
If you see yourself as a mountaineer in your dream. So this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs for you. An inauspicious sign is that in the coming days you will have to go through a very big competition. Due to which you will have to face many troubles. But in the end you will get to see its positive results. Victory will be yours after long struggles. So seeing yourself as mountaineering is a good sign. climbing snow mountain dream meaning, climbing high mountain dream meaning, mountain climbing in dream meaning, climbing up the mountain dream meaning, dream about climbing mountain islam, dream about climbing the mountain, dream about climbing the mountain, dream of mountain climbing,
Seeing myself running barefoot in a dream
If in a dream you see yourself walking barefoot on a mountain, then this dream will be considered a very inauspicious sign for you. If you see that you are running barefoot in the mountains without shoes, then this dream indicates poverty or bankruptcy. That in the coming time your financial condition is going to deteriorate. Due to which you may have so many bad days that you may even have to beg.
If you have a businessman, your business is going well. During that time, as soon as you get this type of dream, it means that your business is going to be closed in the coming days. So after this dream, you will have to make changes inside your business, only then you will be able to run your business for a long time.
flying over a mountain in a dream
A visitor’s dream- Sir my name is Manoj Kumar Vajpayee. I am a seedman. Sir, I don’t know, I almost changed my business in my life. But till date I have not got success in any business. Not every business lasted long, some businesses lasted six months or even a year. Last night I left for my home in a bus after doing my company duty. My house is about 25 kms from Faketri.
As soon as I got on the bus, I fell asleep very deeply. Then in my sleep I have a strange kind of dream. In my dreams, I see myself as a flying person. I saw in my dream that I am flying in the air on top of a high hill.
Like Balaji flying in the Ramayana, in the same way I am also hovering over the mountain. Then the bus conductor rang the city and said all your stand has come. Gupta ji sir if this dream of mine has any meaning or not tell me by commenting soon.
Ans. Manoj Bajpayee ji, this dream acts as an advice for you. It is a dream that you will have to change your mindset in the coming days. The way you work and the way people make money. Now you have to leave that old way. You will be able to give up your principles and passions.
In place of those rules and principles, you have to set new standards. Only then will you be able to move forward in a new business with new people. So it is clear to say friends that you have to change your methods to grow in your business.
Mountain waterfall dream interpretation
You see in a dream that water is falling from a slope of the mountain, in view it looks like a waterfall. Falling does not indicate a fall. This dream indicates that there is going to be a big change in your life in the coming days. And that change is going to prove to be positive for you. If you are very sad than before and you see water falling from the mountain in your dream, then it means that soon you can see a reduction in your sorrows.
If a married woman sees this dream, then this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for that woman. This is believed to be a sign that she is going to get a lot of happiness from her husband in the coming days. That happiness may be related to the fulfillment of dreams. That is, your dream of husband and wife is going to be fulfilled. mountain water dream meaning, mountain waterfall dream.
Descending a mountain dream meaning
If you see you sticking on a mountain in your dream, then this dream gives a good sign for you that in the coming days you are going to make progress. And you are going to grow continuously in business and business. Whereas in a dream seeing descending from a mountain is just the opposite. This dream is considered a very inauspicious sign for you, if you are a businessman and if you see Khuk coming down from the top of a mountain in your dream, then it means that in the coming time you may have a big loss in business and business. So friends, after seeing this type of dream, you should promote your business and any kind of business thoughtfully.
If you are in a government or non-government job and you see in your dream that you are coming down from the top of a high mountain, then it means that you may have a demotion in the coming time. Along with this, your salary, status and pride can also get spoiled. In the coming time, one may have to leave a big post among themselves. dream meaning descending mountain, dream meaning descending from mountain.
Seeing a girl dancing on a mountain in a dream
In your dream, if you see a girl who is dancing on a mountain, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. Seeing wood dancing on a mountain in a dream is considered a completely inauspicious sign. This dream indicates that in the coming time you are going to have a fight with someone close to you.
If you are a girl and in your dream you see a girl dancing on a mountain, then you need to be very careful with this dream. You should be careful that something is going to happen to you in the coming times, which can bring you a bad name. So this dream is not considered a good sign for you. After this dream, you should take care of yourself. If you start behaving in some strange way with yourself, then you should treat them with love.
Lights on mountain dream meaning
A visitor’s dream – Sir my name is Aana. Am from south Africa. I am a student of M-Com. There is a mountain near our house. I have been to this mountain many times. But in real life I got nothing there. But yesterday in the evening after coming to his home after coaching M-com, I was studying till two o’clock in the night. Fell in about two o’clock. Then a dream comes to me. In which I saw that a lamp is running in the air on the hill in front.
But when I went there in my dream I saw nothing. Then when I got down from the mountain, then again that lamp started showing burning on the mountain. Just then the alarm bell of my phone started ringing. Then my eyes opened. As soon as I got up, I came to the balcony of my house. When I started looking at that mountain after washing my hands, I did not see anything there. Then I went to that place and saw but I could not find anything. So Gupta sir what does this dream indicate. Is this dream not pointing towards some untoward incident?
Ans – Aana You need to be scared of this dream in some way. Because this dream gives good sign for you. This dream indicates that you are going to get immense wealth in the coming days. Apart from this, this dream also indicates the fulfillment of desire. That in the coming days your two wishes are going to be fulfilled. Which will be those two wishes, all you have to decide.
Seeing temple on mountain in dream
In a dream, you go to a temple to worship, which is built on a high peak of a mountain. So friends, this dream is considered to generate disappointment for you that in the coming time you are going to face disappointment from your family and friends. The people you trust a lot, when you ask for help from those people, then instead of helping you, those people will start mocking you. No brother will support you to help you in that situation.
Only your family friend will turn out to be a big betrayer. So in the coming time you should beware of such friends. Because such friends are also components than enemies. Such friends make false pretense of supporting you. But will not support you when needed.
Mountain Queue in dream meaning
You see in your dream that you are traveling in a bus to a mountainous area. In your dream you see many mountains in a row. Or rather, if you see mountains in a dream. You look through the window of the bus and see that you are leaving behind every mountain. As you move forward, you leave behind the mountain ranges. So this dream is considered to be of your awareness. That you need to be aware. So that you can take the right step at the right time. If you are not aware, then you may have to face a lot of loss in the coming time.
Mountain falling down dream meaning
In the dream, you see that the weather has turned bad, suddenly the ground shakes and the hills start falling. So this dream does not give good sign for you. This dream is associated with loss and failure.
In a dream you are playing on the top of a mountain and suddenly there is a landslide. Due to which you fall down from the mountain, that is, you have an accident due to natural calamity, then it means that all your efforts will be in vain in the coming time.
After this dream, you will have to recognize your true abilities and qualities. Keeping this in mind, you have to move towards the coming goals. Then you will get results for your hard work. falling mountain dream meaning, falling off mountain dream meaning.
Dream about sand mountain
This question arises in our mind, is there a mountain of soil too? Yes friends, a mountain is that which is made of a single rock or is made of big stones. There is a mountain that is friable. It is not as strong as a stone mountain, it looks like a pile of rubble. In it, clay pebbles are made of stone and gar. You must have seen many times in the news that many roads pass through hilly areas. Due to heavy rains there, the debris of the mountain slips away and the road is completely obstructed, we call it a mountain of soil.
If you see a mountain of mud in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you, this dream predicts humiliation and resentment in your life. That in the coming days you may feel disappointed about your work.
Along with this, this dream also indicates that in the coming time you are going to suffer huge financial loss due to anger. If you are removing the mountain of soil from the road with your hands, then this dream is going to give auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that in the coming time, resentment is going to arise in you, due to which you will be able to deal with even the biggest tasks easily. The work which you left as impossible, in the coming time, that impossible will become possible for you. In this way, seeing a mountain of mud in a dream is auspicious and removing the debris of an earthen mountain from the hands in a dream gives auspicious signs.
Mountain breaking in dream meaning
If you see yourself as a stone breaker in your dream, you see that you have a big hammer in your hand. You have been trying to break a mountain with this hammer. Or if you are trying to remove the stone that has come in your way in your dream, then this dream tells the fear inside you. That a fear has entered inside you about your own failure, which is not allowing you to succeed. Due to which you are not able to get full results of your hard work.
If you are trying to break the mountain with your hands in your dream, it means that you are afraid of your love. So after this dream, you should remove the fear of your love from your heart. So that you do not have any hesitation in telling your heart to your beloved partner.
House on mountain dream meaning
If you see in your dream that your house is built on top of a high mountain, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that you will get a lot of money in the coming days. If there is no peace in your house and in that situation you see that your house is on a mountain, then this dream indicates that soon all the troubles in your house will end. And there will be happiness in your home.
Apart from this, if you see someone else’s house in your dream, it means that happiness will come in your family’s house in the coming time. If you see many houses on the hill, then it means that in the coming time, you will have a special identity among all the people.
Dream meaning mountain hill
If in the dream you see only the top of the mountain without seeing the whole mountain, then this dream acts as an advice for you. This dream tells that you will have to change your occupation to get real happiness. Only then will you work diligently in your favorite work, then you will experience the happiness of your mind.
Sitting on mountain in dream meaning
A visitor’s dream Sir my name is Afton . I am from Gujarat, I am an engineer by money. I am working in engineering position in an auto part company. There is a small hill near our company, many times we thought of going to that hill. But there was never any program to leave. Yesterday I did my night shift duty again when my duty ends, I slept in my room. It was almost one o’clock in the afternoon. That’s when I have a dream that I am eating air sitting on a hill with my friends.
After this dream I went to see that mountain and I got choked. What I had seen in a dream. The same thing actually existed on that mountain. In a dream, a choker was sitting on a rock. My friends were sitting on four round stones. When I went to the mountain and saw it there was a square rock and there were four round stones. I do not understand that I had never even stepped on that mountain, so how can that mountain sign come in my dreams. Please tell me the meaning of this dream of mine.
Ans-Afton , you don’t have to worry about this dream at all. Because this dream gives auspicious signs for you, this dream tells that in the coming time you will spend your life in a pleasant way. You have this thought in your mind that I have never been to that mountain, so how did the choker stone and round stone come in my dream.
Afton or someone told you about that hill, what is on that hill. Or you must have heard the discussion about that mountain. If the sign on the mountain is very old, then you have seen these things in the form of a dream due to the memory of your past life.
Dream about climbing a mountain and falling
Friends, if you see yourself going on a picnic in your dream, you see that you go to a high mountain for a picnic. You are having fun on the mountain and suddenly your foot slips and you fall down from the mountain, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream is related to your income.
This dream indicates that your income is going to decrease in the coming time. If you see in your dream that you fall down a hill and you get hurt. So this dream means that in the coming time, difficulties are going to increase in your life. You may have to face many problems at the same time.
If you see a pregnant woman falling down from a mountain in your dream, it means that you may be a victim of some mental illness in the coming time.
If you see falling from some unknown place in your dream, you do not know from where you are falling. Whether you are falling from a mountain or from the sky, then this dream indicates that you may have to face heavy pressure in the coming time.
River flow on mountain, What is the meaning of seeing flowing water in dream
Friends, we know that rivers originate from the mountains. The water of many rivers is sweet. We see in the dream that a river is flowing down from a mountain. So it means that soon you will be able to do something inside life which no common man will be able to do. You are engaged in achieving the place you are, soon after this dream you will achieve that position. If seen in this way, then this dream gives auspicious signs.
If you see a river flowing in reverse in your dream, then it means that in the coming days you will go away from your goal day by day. Thus, seeing a river flowing in reverse in a dream indicates the path of failure.
Push from mountain in dream meaning
If someone pushes you down from a mountain in a dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming time you are going to fall. People don’t like you at all. People want your ruin. So friends, this dream acts as a warning for you. This dream warns you that in the coming time you will have to identify between good and bad people.
Ice mountain dream meaning
In your dream you see a white mountain covered with snow. Or if snow-capped mountains are seen in dreams, then this dream gives a good snack for you. This dream means that even the father will be able to reach his target with all kinds of troubles, so friends, this dream gives you a different kind of strength that you are going to reach your goal very soon. You have to work hard all the time. In this way, the mountain of snow also tells about the purity of the mind.
Dream about sliding down a mountain,
In a dream you see that you are crossing a road built near a mountain, suddenly the hill gets eroded and half of your body gets buried under stone and soil. So this dream gives inauspicious signs for you. That in the coming time, many obstacles will come together on you. If you are buried under the soil, you are trying to get out but cannot get out.
So this dream says that there is going to be a big problem in your goal of life, which creates hurdles in fulfilling your goal. So friends, you have to compete hard to fulfill your goal. Then you will be able to reach your goal.
Seeing green mountains in dreams
Friends, we know that the earth never spoils its seed. We see that the seed lying inside the ground does not grow until its right time comes. When it does not get the right atmospheric temperature air, water, sun rays and other substances, till then it does not grow. The seed finds its place to grow. You must have seen that no matter how rocky the mountain is, but trees are found on every hill. Therefore, when we look at the mountain from a distance, we see its color green.
Friends, if we see a completely green mountain in the dream. Or if trees and plants growing on the mountain are seen in the dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that you are going to be very upset in the coming time. Or someone is going to come in your life who will bother you a lot. So after this dream, you should consider removing your planet.
Mountain stone on the way in dream meaning
In the dream, you see yourself going through a path that passes through the mountains. In the dream, you see that the stones of the mountain of the road slip and come. Due to which the entire road gets blocked. The access road is completely closed. So this dream gives a warning sign for you that in the coming days, your natural is going to come in your life. That’s why you should prepare yourself to deal with every single disaster so that no natural person can do you a lot of damage.
Seeing traces of blood on the mountain in dream meaning
As soon as you see in your dream that you are going on a trip. Suddenly you look out of your garden window. As soon as you come out, you see that the big stone of a mountain is splattered with blood. It looked as if someone’s blood had been slammed on this stone. So friends, this dream indicates you to be careful.
This dream is warning you that in the coming time you may become a victim of an accident during your journey. So if you want to travel wisely in the coming time, you should stay for a few days. There is nothing greater than life because if there is life then there is a place.
If you put your car on a bloodied stone in your dream, then it means that you have invited some evil power. In the coming time, the shadow of ghosts will start hovering over your house. So after this dream, you should tie lemon pepper in a thread on the doorstep of your house. So that the entry of evil forces in your house is prohibited.
Ice rain in dream meaning
In the dream you see that you are standing on a high mountain and suddenly it starts snowing. Or if you see snow falling in your dream, then it means that difficulties are going to enter your goal in the coming days. Friends, these difficulties will be related to money. You don’t have to worry too much about this dream. Because the difficulty will be temporary, that is, in a few days all the problems will end on their own.
Running on mountain hill in dream meaning
In our India, the mountains are also said to be the abode of the gods. You will almost see that one or the other temple will definitely be found on the mountain. Running on a mountain, it is very difficult to climb a distance easily.
Running on a mountain is equivalent to inviting some great danger. But friends, you see in the dream that you are standing on the top of a dangerous hill. Not only this, you are trying to walk on the dangerous vertical hill. So this dream should make you happy. Because this dream is considered a symbol of your efforts to climb your career ladder.
Soon you will be on the dangerous ladder of your career. Tough times will come in your career but you will keep yourself ready to go through tough times. You will develop so much strength and ability that you will be able to get through the toughest of situations. And you will be very close to success.
Driving up a hill dream
You see yourself in the dream as a driver of a car, you see that you are being called a car on a mountain in a dream. So friends, this dream does not seem less than any danger, but friends, this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream predicts improvement in your financial condition. Your financial condition is going to improve in the coming days.
The faster you see driving inside the mountains in your dream, the more financial benefits are going to be there. If you see driving at low speed then you will get less benefit. Friends, this is the result of the incident happening inside the dream. Don’t apply this thing in real life. You will think such a thing that if I drive at high speed on the hilly road, then it will be more beneficial. This will never happen. If you drive fast on a mountainous road, then a big accident can happen to you. Driving up mountain dream meaning, Driving up a hill dream, Dream about mountain driving,
Going down a mountain dream meaning
Friends, if you are a businessman and have seen yourself rolling from a high mountain in a dream, then it means that you are going to face a huge loss in business in the coming time. In this way, increasing this dream indicates that many increases are going to come in your life in the coming time. Due to which you may have to face many problems. Due to which unemployment, bankruptcy and worsening of financial condition are included.
If you are working in some government or non-government department and you have this dream in which you see yourself rolling from the top of a mountain, then it means that in the coming time you can be dismissed from the job. If you see it slowly rolling down the mountain and you don’t get hurt, it means that in the coming time, the power can be snatched from your hands. You can be powerless. Along with this, this dream also shows the demotion. dream meaning going down mountain, walking down a mountain dream meaning.
Walking ice mountain in dream meaning
If you see in your dream that you are walking on some snow mountain and suddenly the snow mountain breaks and you fall under the cold water, then this dream acts as a warning for you. It is whatever you are doing around you. Very ignorant of him. You need to run more brain than before. If you want to deal with the current bad situation, then you have to take everyone seriously.
If you are walking on a snowy mountain and suddenly the ice breaks from under your foot and you get trapped inside the ice. So it means that you are going to get failure in the coming time, you need to work diligently.
Seeing cloud from mountain in dream meaning
In the dream you see yourself standing on the top of a mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, when you see the view below, then you see a white sheet, then this dream is not considered an inauspicious sign for you. Indicates the state of not knowing all the answers.
Apart from this, if you have many such questions in your mind, which you have been trying to find for many days and you are not getting any stick answer to your questions. During that time, if you see yourself standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the view below, it means that in the coming days you will get very stick answers to all the questions.
Climbing snow mountain dream meaning
So this dream does not give inauspicious sign for you. This dream shows the simplicity of your life. If you don’t see any ashes in your dream to climb a high mountain. So the interpretation of this dream changes a bit. This dream means that you are on the right track to manifest your goals in the coming times.
You will be successful in few days without any major problem. All it matters is that it should be of a positive aspect angle. One should not get discouraged by any small gesture. You should not be the one to take the other way after seeing the trouble. If you fulfill these qualities, then it means that in the coming time this dream will give very auspicious results for you. dream meaning about mountain climbing,
Jumping off a mountain dream meaning
Sir, my name is Raghav Chetan, a resident of Bikanar district of Rajasthan. I am a software engineer. I started my work many times but I did not get success. I have filled many govt job forums. I have come close many times.
But sometimes what problem comes, sometimes what problem. Because of this I have not been able to join any job for five years. I have talent but sometimes I have to be out with something and sometimes with something.
For so long, I was only worried about my job. But today I started worrying more. Because it’s almost two o’clock last night. I was sleeping in my room. I could not sleep because of worry. It took me two o’clock to worry about my job. As soon as I fall asleep, only then I have a dream. Which scares me a lot. I saw in my dream that I have searched for jobs in many places but wherever I go. Company refuses to give me a job.
After this, in despair, I go from a high to the top of the mountain. Suddenly I jumped from the top of the mountain into a ditch. As soon as I jumped, a loud scream comes out of my mouth. Then my eyes itch. So Gupta sir what is the meaning of this dream of mine?
Ans. Raghav Chetan ji, this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream acts as a warning for you. This dream tells that in the coming time you are going to get a golden opportunity. You just need to be alert. You have to recognize that opportunity and take advantage of that opportunity. If you take advantage of that opportunity, then your life will be very royal in the coming days. Because your decision will bring a lot of positive changes in your life.
Apart from this, if you see in your dream that you jump down a mountain and you die, it means that you are already tired of the strong wait. And you are very worried about the future. So this dream tells you to forget the things behind and move ahead in life and change your field. Whatever has happened to you wrong or if your destiny has not supported you, then you should forget those things. All these things should be left to the past.
Running up the mountain in a dream
If you see in the dream that you are participating in cycle racing and you are driving the bicycle on the mountain and thus you win the cycle race, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that you are going to get some big victory in the coming days. So this dream completely reflects the happiness of victory.
Seeing mountain river in dream
In the dream you see a mountain river along with a mountain, you see that as soon as a river is passing over a high hill, it means that you will soon be able to reduce someone in life. And look at the situation from another point of view. People often take unexpected, but absolutely right decisions after this type of dream.
Watching myself ride up a beautiful steep hill
You see yourself climbing such a hill in your dream. There is no skewness at all. That hill is again uplifted. In other hills, there is a slope or slope. The hill seen in this dream is without a slope. And that hill looks very beautiful to you in view. If you see yourself climbing on that hill by ropes, then this dream acts as a warning for you. This dream warns of this.
Tough times are going to come in your life soon. Or we can say that you are going to take a tough decision of your life. After which many difficulties will come together in your life. So friends, after this dream, you get a chance to prepare yourself for suffering. But friends, in the end everything will be fine and you will get an immense success.
Woman climbing on mountain in dream meaning
If you are a man and see a woman climbing the top of a mountain in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream tells that you may get promoted in the coming time. If you see a woman and a woman climbing the top of a mountain in a dream, then this dream shows your inner jealousy. That in the coming time you will feel jealous of your competitor.
What say Vanga,s book dream about mountain
Seeing the top of a mountain in a dream is a sign of energetic excitement. The mountain peak represents the resolution of major issues. Vanga’s dream book believes that if a mountain comes in your dream. Or if you see mountains in your dream, then you will definitely get help when you need it. An authoritative person supports you for some unknown reason.
Ugly mountain in dream meaning
If you see an ugly and bumpy mountain in your dream, then this dream indicates that you will face challenges. It tells that in the coming time many challenges are going to come in front of you. You have to be ready for this, then only you will be able to overcome all those challenges. If you are climbing a bumpy mountain easily, then you should be carefree from this type of dream. Because this dream tells that in the coming time you will be able to face the biggest challenges easily.
Dream about small mountain
If you see many small mountains in your dream, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you, this dream shows that you may have to face mental stress in the coming time. If you are playing with a small mountain, it means that in the coming days you may have to take shelter from a relative or neighbor.
See the mountain as a temple in dream meaning
In the dream you see a mountain as a temple. You see in the dream that you go to such a mountain. Where there is a cave in the mountain. There is a temple inside the cave. So this dream indicates to change your subconscious mind into conscious mind. This dream indicates that your consciousness is going to develop in the coming time. Along with this, this dream also indicates to increase your spiritual knowledge.
Dream about huge mountain Hindu
If you see a biggest mountain in your dream, then this dream shows the danger to your safety. This dream indicates that your enemies are going to harm you in the coming time. You should make your own security arrangements from now on. Otherwise, in the coming time, you will be able to get a new escape from your enemies. So friends, this dream inspires you to arrange for security.
Friends, today we learned about the dream of seeing a mountain in a dream, we saw that seeing a mountain in a dream in a simple sense is considered an auspicious sign. According to this dream, you are going to make a lot of stars in the coming time. Whether you got your dream in this article or not, if you do not get your dream, then you send us by typing in your comment box. If you liked our post seeing mountains in your dreams, then send the link of this post to your friends and relatives so that your relatives can also know the true meaning of your dream.