Hugging my dad in a dream, Dream about hugging father, hugging my dad in a dream Islam, hugging someone in a dream Islam, dead person hugging you in dream Islam, seeing dead grandfather alive in dream Islam, what does it mean when you dream about someone who is already dream hugging you, seeing alive person dead in dream Islamic interpretation, seeing dead person sick in dream Islamic meaning- Hello friends Welcome to me, today we are going to talk about what it is like to see a father in a dream or how it is to see a father in a dream, is it auspicious or inauspicious.
Friends, great writers have written a lot about the mother , have given the status of God to the mother , but there are very few writers who have written about the father. When we are young, we get pampered by both our mother and father. But as we grow up, the love of the father happens, why does this happen, you will understand at the time when you will become a father , the mother beats her child’s love, but the father even after wanting his love. One cannot pretend love , because a father has to fulfill responsibilities with love. That’s why a father throttles his love to fulfill his responsibilities , then friends, father is that idol of sacrifice for us, which can never be forgotten for life. Although a rumor has spread in the world that the one who gives birth is very big, but in reality a big person is the one who gives up.
The name of the winner is recorded in history and people consider him ideal but people keep the one who sacrifices in the heart and people call him God. Shikandar may be a world conqueror, but you keep his place in the pages of history while the one who sacrifices Shri Ram is kept in the hearts of people.
Father is busy in his responsibilities as well as love, so we spend more time with mother in childhood, then we feel that our mother loves us more than father. But as we grow up, our distance from our father increases, but we realize the father when he is not with us. Many writers have given the analogy of coconut to the father. It is like father’s coconut which is hard from outside but very soft from inside. He loves his children so much that he does not even let his tears come out. Friends, I will say only one thing that old parents do not want anything from you, just need ten minutes of your everyday , you should sit with your parents for at least ten minutes every day. He will get the greatest happiness in the world.
Let’s talk about the dream, if you see a father in your dream, then this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for you, this dream indicates that you are going to get success in the coming days, along with this this dream is a sign of this. Indicates that you can start new work. Because your father’s blessings are with you. If you see your dead father in a dream, then our heart becomes sad due to this dream. Friends, we get to see many types of dreams related to father in dreams like-
Seeing father in dream , Seeing father happy in dream , Seeing father sad in dream , Sitting on father’s shoulder in dream , Seeing father sick in dream , Seeing father’s death in dream, Seeing dead father in dream , Dreams Seeing father’s accident in dream , talking to father in dream , quarreling with father in dream , walking with father in dream , walking away from father in dream , seeing father crying in dream , with father in dream Eating food , touching father’s feet in dream , hugging father in dream , seeing father’s wedding in dream, seeing father ‘s photo in dream, etc. So friends, let’s try to know each and every dream in detail.
Hugging father in my dream, Dream about hugging father
Friends, do you remember when you last hugged your father , friends, we do not even know when the distance between us and father has increased , if you start running away from your father once then its After that you will keep running away continuously.
When you were young, your father used to hug you everyday and spend time with you. Then what has happened today that you have become so far away from your father , you have distanced yourself from your father , but even today your father want to hug you. See if you take a step forward, hugging the old mother-talking, you ask her for her life, she will be ready to give it. Friends, whenever you get a chance, you touch your father’s feet but also hug your father. You will automatically feel how happy they are by doing this.
Friends talk about the dream that if you see in your dream that you are hugging your father or your father is hugging you, then this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for you, this dream indicates that You are going to get father’s support in every bad time. If you are already caught in some big trouble and during that time you get this type of dream , then it means that positive changes will come in you in the coming days so that you will be able to fight with the biggest trouble.
Hugging my dad in a dream Islam, Dream about father
Hello friends, welcome to our blog, today we are going to talk about what it is like to see your father in a dream. If your father is not in this world at present. During that time, if you see your dead father in your dream, then this dream tells about your father’s unfulfilled wish that your father’s wish was left unfulfilled. You have to fulfill that wish.
If your father is alive at the present time and you see father in your dream then this dream gives auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that you are going to achieve great success in the coming days. This dream gives auspicious signs for success. Along with this, this dream also indicates that the parents Your blessings will always be with you, every day you sit with your mother for at least ten minutes and know about her happiness and sorrow.
Talking to father in dream
To convey any kind of matter to the father, we take the help of our mother, if you have to say anything to your father, then first you have to tell that thing to your mother that you should tell the father. Friends, in that situation you see in your dream that you are telling your father after your mind , you are sharing your words with your father like a friend without fear , without hesitation, then this dream is very auspicious for you. It is believed that this dream indicates that in the coming days, your father will agree with you , what you are afraid of in the present time, you have to share that thing in your own mind. father You have to explain it comfortably so that he can not deny your point.
If your father is unfortunately not in this world during that time you see talking with your dead father in your dream, then this dream indicates your father’s support for you. Whatever your father was interested in when he was alive. Or any such work that you wanted to do through you. Recognize that work and do that work soon. Thus talking to the dead father in a dream gives a socket of support , guidance and help.
My dead father talking with me in dream
Friends, if your father is not in this world, during that time we father If we have dreams related to this, then these dreams remind us a lot of father. Friends, we understand the importance of something when we have lost that thing. If you see your dead father in a dream, in which you see that you are sitting with your father and talking about some subject, then this dream tells about his unfulfilled desire for you that in the past Whatever wish I have remained unfulfilled , soon you fulfill that wish.
Along with this, this dream tells that even if your father is not with you in living condition. But he is still with you spiritually , he keeps supporting you indirectly. Whenever a wish came upon you, your father would try to remove it spiritually. They are not visible to you directly. if your dead father If it is never seen in dreams then it means that his soul has been liberated.
Tragedy with my father in dream
Friends, if you see in a dream that some untoward incident happens with your father, then this dream does not give auspicious signs for you according to astrology, this dream indicates that soon there will be a serious crisis on your family. is about to come. After this dream, you should take care of the health of the head of your family i.e. parents , because after this dream your parents may face a crisis related to diseases , due to which your financial condition can also stagger.
After seeing such a dream, you do not need to be afraid at all, you should take daily care of your parents and well-being of your entire family and provide them medical facilities.
Remedy-If you dream of your dreams father If you see any untoward happening with you, then you should get a Durga Puja recitation done in your home. If you are not able to get Durga recitation , then you should go to Mother’s temple continuously for seven days and come with your head bowed in Mother’s temple and feed some seven poor people so that your problem can be solved.
Seeing father getting old in dream
Friends, this is the law of nature, the one who has taken birth will one day grow old and die. Getting old is not a bad thing, many people get nervous after seeing the symptoms of old age. Many people get a single white hair on their head, then they start worrying about old age. Due to this worry, he starts getting old more quickly than before. If we If Mercury is unnaturally then it is a matter of concern.
Let’s talk about your dreams in your dreams father Watching you grow old at G speed. You see that on the first day of your father’s eight-mother-in-law hair was white and on the second day about 100 hairs become white and within a few days his face starts getting wrinkled, then it may give an inauspicious sign in dreaming but it The dream gives auspicious and inauspicious meanings for you. Auspicious meaning gives that you are soon going to be on the peak of success. An inauspicious sign is that you are going to be away from your family in the pursuit of success.
Along with this, this dream shows that you are a bell, that in the coming days, there is going to be a bell and ego inside you, due to which you will start considering your old relationships as unimportant. You will come on the verge of forgetting all the old relationships. So you don’t have to forget after this dream, you always have to remember that moment what you were in the initial days.
Dream about quarrel with father
If you see yourself in a dream fighting with your father, this dream is not considered a good sign for you, this dream indicates that in the coming days some wrongdoing is going to happen with your hands that will cause your father You will be hurt a lot , or you will do such a thing that you will be ashamed even while going in front of your father, if you are walking on the wrong path at present, then you have to leave that path and take the right path.
Friends, it is believed that such dreams come more to those who lie to their father , hide the truth , do some bad work, due to which their family and their father It hurts a lot , so after seeing such a dream, you should assess yourself, because of which of your reasons your father is hurting so much , you recognize that work and remove the error of that work , and yourself Try to bring him on the right path.
Walking with father in dream
If you see yourself walking with your beloved father in your dream, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you, this dream indicates that in the coming days you can go on a long tour with your family. You may get a trip opportunity from the company in the form of an answer. It may be that suddenly you feel like traveling and you should plan to travel. If you are going to go on a journey after this dream, then go comfortably after this dream. Because this dream indicates that your journey will be successful. If you dream of your old father If you are seen taking a walk in the park with you, then this dream indicates that your health is going to be very good in the coming days. In this way, this dream only gives auspicious signs for you.
Seeing father sick in dream
If in real life your father is a perfectly healthy person and you dream about your fatherIf you see someone lying on a hospital bed or in a sick state, then this dream gives inauspicious signs for you. According to astrology, this dream indicates that in the coming days, illness is going to come in your family, due to which many people of your family will become victims of disease. After this dream, your whole family will have to face mental illnesses.
Friends, after this type of dream, you need to be careful from your enemies. Because after having such dreams, the family will have to face some enemy related problem, many times it happens that the problem related to our enemies increases so much that the new grandparents and parents of the family have to face a lot of mental pain. may have to .
If your father is already ill, during that time you see father sick in the hospital in your dream, then this dream indicates that in the coming days such a change will come in your life which will increase your trouble. . You may fall alone in life.
After this dream, you should start worshiping Lord Vishnu so that your father suffers at least , if still there is no improvement in the condition of your house then you should fatherThe horoscope should be seen by some big astrologer , so that they can tell you the solution of the defect.
Seeing father going away in dream
Richa Maharishi writes , Sir my name is Richa, I am from Ahmedabad in Gujarat , now an accountant I am studying , I live in a city 100 km away from my father , I have the most pampering among my three siblings. That’s why I keep missing him. Many nights I was studying till about 2 o’clock , after that suddenly I saw the time and it was 2 o’clock. Then I closed the book and lay down. Then in my sleep I have a dream in which I see that I go for a walk somewhere with my father. Then both of us reach the plain ground. Then I see a balloon and I am very happy to see that. Then my father starts moving forward to bring that balloon , father goes far behind that balloon. father Constantly getting away from me. I call my father but he can not hear my voice , only then he stops seeing me near me. Then suddenly there is the sound of lightning. Then I cry out loud. My friend Namita runs to me as soon as I scream and gives me cold water and asks me what happened , was there any bad dream ?
Sir, I never had this type of dream before today and I never thought of getting away from my father , so Gupta Sir, please tell me the meaning of this dream as soon as possible , if I will tell about this dream to my father, then he will come to meet me , because he cares about me a lot. I will call my father only when you tell me the meaning of my dream. Thank you sir.
Ans – Hello Richa , we pray to God that God give long life to your father. Richa I want to tell you that this dream gives both auspicious and inauspicious signs for you , the good sign is that in the coming days your father’s dream is going to be fulfilled , the position your father wanted to see you in soon you will be in that position. The bad thing is that you have to be far away from your father for this position. You will be able to meet your father only three or four times in a year.
Richa , apart from this, this dream also comes because your age is increasing continuously , responsibility is going to come on you , you and your father are not getting care, so it is not a job for you to handle your father.
Seeing father crying in dream
Friends, if you see your father crying in a dream, then this dream is considered a very sad dream for you. Because there is no such person in the world who fatherwant to cry Or see the father crying. This dream is considered a very sad dream for you, this dream indicates that the financial condition of your house is going to deteriorate in the coming days. You may have to face great difficulties to manage your home . This dream is telling that there is a lot of mental stress on you, along with this you are being worried about the future. You may have a shortage of offices at the present time. If so, then you have to think about it.
Eating with father in dream
Do you remember the last time you had dinner with your father? Friends, in our family, first of all, food is served to the father. Such arrangements are made that the father does not have to ask for anything. Before that food should be arranged in this way. Two years ago, on the day of Diwali, I father At that time I had not looked up to raise my eyes.
Talk about the dream, if you see yourself having food with your father in a dream or you see yourself eating together with the whole family, this dream gives a very good sign for you, this dream shows that the coming In the days to come, you are going to do something or something is going to happen with your hands, which will make your father very happy. And your father’s support will be included in every work you do.
Apart from this, this dream indicates to increase the wealth among your family and the family will be united again. You must have always heard that a small family is a happy family , while you will hear for the first time that a large family is a happy family.
During any occasion, if you are seen sitting and having food with your father in your dream, then this dream indicates that in the coming days some auspicious work is going to happen in the house with your cooperation , in which , text-worship , Manglik work like Havan , naming of the child , Mangal Path or marriage will be involved in which your family members will sit together and congratulate each other.
Sitting on father’s head in dream
When we were young, our father used to make us move around with his shoulders, waist and head. We felt very good then. If you see in your dream that your father has kept you sitting on his shoulder, then this dream gives auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that you are going to get a lot of happiness in the coming days. If your father’s nature is bitter then after this dream your father’s nature will change. and your father You will fall in love like a small child. So you should be happy after this dream.
Seeing angry father in dream
Hello friends, in real life also we have to face father’s anger many times. Whenever there is a mistake with our hands, our father gets angry with us and starts getting angry with us. But let me tell that father’s anger has a positive meaning on our life. Because of the fear of father, we do wrong things in life. and stand on their own feet in their life.
Let’s talk about dreams if you dream about your dreams father If you are angry and angry, then according to the dream scripture, this dream does not give auspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days a situation will arise in your life, due to which there may be differences in relations between you and your father. Because of which your father is going to suffer a lot.
Apart from this, this dream also indicates that in the coming days, you will not be able to fulfill the responsibilities given to you , or you will not be able to do the tasks told by your father, due to which you will have to face the anger of your father. may post. Thus soon your lifestyle will become more difficult.
After this dream, you should talk to your father in peace and understand him, so that his hatred and misunderstanding towards you ends in his mind and embrace you with love. You will have to do this work, your luck will not support you in this. You just have to start. Even with this, do not give a bitter answer to any question of your father.
Dream about touching father’s feet
Friends, in our Indian rites, it has been told to bow before the elders, in our religion only the winner is not great, sometimes the loser is also said to be great. Our ideals are those who give up. Renunciation is the biggest religion. Friends, many people say that we should not touch someone’s feet , so the person who speaks like this does not know what happens by touching the feet. No matter how big or how rich a person becomes, when the wave touches the feet of the elders, then he does not consider himself to be bigger than him so that he does not have pride in him. And be respectful to your father. Let’s talk about dreams if you see in your dreams that you father If you have left your feet with respect, then this dream gives a good sign for you, this dream indicates that in the coming days, there is going to be a lot of happiness in your house , if you have been engaged in some work for a long time. After this dream, you will get tremendous success in that work. Along with this, this dream also indicates the completion of stalled work.
Father’s day WhatsApp status Meaning
Friends, do you think that if you are on mothers day or fathers But if you put your father’s photo on the status , then he will be happy. You do not put that status for your parents but to raise your status in front of your friends and your relatives. Whereas the reality is that 70 percent of those who put the status of the photo of their parents, 70 percent of the parents do not have such a phone that they can see the status photo put by their son. Then why are you pretending, brother?
People who have love-love for their parents, they keep their father in their heart and not in whats app . Because they don’t need to show their love. Because there is no need to polish the shine of a diamond with another shine.
By the way, this thing was for those people who have got away from their parents in connection with some work. They meet their parents only once in a year. He remembers his parents father The photo can be put on the status . The person who stays with his parents day and night and never talks to his parents in a polite language, the same person writes I love my father by clicking the photo of his parents on WhatsApp. So that his status gets appreciated by many people.
Friends, you do not need to put your parents’ photo on the status. You sit with him every day for ten minutes. Then you will start getting so much happiness as you did not even imagine. many if whats If you are not able to upload photos on the app, then you curse yourself , I have forgotten that , it does not make any difference to upload your photos or not.
In friends, I want to say that you do not need to touch your father’s feet, even you need to hug him and apply status. Just talk to him for ten minutes everyday, ask him about happiness and sorrow , you spoil you with ten minutes of TV , TV may not change your life, but when you spend ten minutes every day with your father Sitting near him will definitely change your life. You sit for a month and watch and then miss one day in the middle, you will know what has changed in your life.
I saw my fathers photo in dream
Friends, if you see your father’s photo in your dream, then this dream shows that you are missing your father very much at the present time , it may be that you are not with your father, so you should get this type of Dreams will come. Due to not being with your father, you are going to miss him a lot , you are feeling lonely, due to which you are not feeling anything good , along with this this dream also indicates that in the coming days. The distance between you and my father may increase. So after this dream you meet your father and tell all the things in your mind.
Getting beaten up by dad in dream
You see your father getting beaten up in your dream Or in your dream you see that your father is beating you with kicks, punches and slaps. If yes, then this dream does not give a good sign for you, this dream tells that in the coming days you are going to have a fight with an older person. Due to which you will get to hear a lot , if you are working with someone or doing your own business, then after this dream you may have a conflict with someone or you may also get entangled with your close friend. And it will be your fault in this fight. So after this dream, you have to control your anger and in spite of all possible efforts, you will have to work with a calm mind.
Seeing myself as a father in dream
you yourself in a dream father As you see, this dream is considered a very auspicious sign for you, this dream tells that in the coming days you are going to get a big responsibility in your work. Responsibility comes to those people who are capable of fulfilling the responsibility . So you must go happy with this dream. This dream indicates that you will get new success with responsibility.
Seeing dad happy in dream
Friends, every person wants that my father should be the happiest person , everyone wants to make his father proud. But you must know that the dreams of sat per cent people are not fulfilled. But when you see your father happy in your dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days you are going to get a lot of happiness together with this dream also indicates that in the coming days a new sweetness will be seen in your beloved relationships.
Dream about father sad
Friends, we get killed at the time when we are young and our father is sad in front of us and we are not able to do anything for him. Once you stand yourself in that place and think what will happen in your heart. Friends, it has been told in the scriptures that there is no peace in the house in which the father is unhappy. You may get the happiness of money in that house, but you will yearn for real happiness.
If you see your father unhappy in a dream, it means that your misfortune is going to wake up in the coming days. You may have to taste failure in the coming days. You may have to face defeat. So friends, after this dream, you will have to pay full attention to your work, otherwise you may have to pay a big price for it.
Seeing father’s accident in dream
If you see in your dream that your father has an accident with some instrument, due to which your father gets hurt deeply, then this dream gives inauspicious signs for you. This dream indicates that in the coming days, there is going to be a serious crisis on your family, due to which all the happiness of your family will be shattered in a few days. In such a situation, you have to take care of the family members. You will have to find a solution to the problems together with the people of your family, only then you will be able to get out of this problem.
Playing with father in dream
you yourself in a dream father t dream is considered a positive dream for you, this dream shows your need to recognize your own potential. You need to focus on your work , only then you can get success , in the present time you have many responsibilities but now you have full potential which you can fulfill well , then after this dream you should You need to pay attention to your mental development. If you pay full attention to your work at the right time then your whole life will change.
Father wounded in dream
If you see in a dream that your father gets hurt in an accident, then this dream may be an inauspicious sign for you, but this dream is considered a good sign for you, this dream indicates that in the coming days. Your confidence will increase and you will get mental happiness which will give you the spiritual happiness which you were looking for for years , Praise your efficiency. will also be done. After this dream, you will start getting the full fruits of your hard work and you will also start getting the praise of your work. In this way, this dream also gives a sense of your efficiency. After this dream, you will get tremendous success in whatever work you put in your hands. With which you will become famous in few days. In this way, this dream is considered very good for you.
Seeing my father in a famous person
Friends, it is the dream of every person that he should be born as a child of a poor person. But this is not possible for everyone. But many people, seeing the poverty condition of their father, keep a wish in their heart that when I grow up, I will do something that will make my father proud of me , while many people wish for their father’s fame as well as make the father a famous Hearts work hard in making human beings. Just as it is auspicious to see father as a famous person, in the same way if you see your father as a famous person in your dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you, this dream indicates that In the coming time, your work efficiency is going to increase , with this you are going to get a lot of money in inheritance , you will have to do some such work for this, due to which you will get it.
Seeing father sleeping in dream
If you see your father sleeping in a deep sleep, then this dream will make you feel energetic , this dream tells that in the coming days you are going to see self-confidence. If you have this type of dream when your family is getting less respect, then it means that in the coming days, respect and trust is going to increase. Along with this, this dream indicates that in the coming days you will soon become a successful and successful person.
Dreaming of father’s wedding
There will hardly be anyone who has seen his father’s wedding. We pray to God that such a day does not come in anyone’s life that he has to see his father’s marriage. Friends talk about the dream that if you see your father getting married to your mother in a dream, then this dream gives a very auspicious sign for you, this dream indicates that you are going to get that happiness in the coming days. What seems impossible , the happiness for which you have spent your life. Along with this, this dream indicates that in the coming days, there is going to be a communication of positive energy in your life, due to which you can also get the support of unknown people. Which will try to uplift you financially. In this way, this dream also works to improve relationships.
Hello friends, today we have learned in this article what is it like to see your living father in a dream , we have seen that seeing your father in a dream gives auspicious signs, due to which walking Indicates great success. If you see your dead father in your dream, then this dream indicates that some of his wish was left unfulfilled which you have to fulfill. Friends, how did you like to see your father in our dream post. If you like our post, then write thank you in the comment box , if you have not got the dream related to your father, then you send us by typing your dream in the comment box. So that we can answer your dream as soon as possible. Apart from this, if you have any kind of question in your mind, then you can send it to us by writing , we will try to tell your question as soon as possible after discussing it with Guruji.